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Made it on TV!

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This has nothing to do with being banded, but last night my hubby and I took my mom to Barnes and Nobles to a book signing with Laura and Jenna Bush (we are total Republican Dorks). We originally only got 2 wrist bands to enter and them my mom found out and wanted to go, so I gave her my wrist band. So, I was going just to watch and take pictures. Some NICE lady gave me a band when I got there - so I got to go in. We stood in line forever and finally got up there. They were so nice and SO beautiful. I guess I was starstruck, they spoke to us like we were old friends. I was totally impressed.


So, we noticed cameramen everywhere - not nearly as many as Secret Servicemen. Wow - talk about hot! But anyway, when we got home, we sat down to watch the news and there we were! They filmed us standing in line!


Oh, and TV does add 10lbs hehe.


The first picture is of my Mom and My Hubby standing in line (you can see a Secret Service Dude in the background) And the Second picture is a distant shot of Laura and Jenna.

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This has nothing to do with being banded, but last night my hubby and I took my mom to Barnes and Nobles to a book signing with Laura and Jenna Bush (we are total Republican Dorks). We originally only got 2 wrist bands to enter and them my mom found out and wanted to go, so I gave her my wrist band. So, I was going just to watch and take pictures. Some NICE lady gave me a band when I got there - so I got to go in. We stood in line forever and finally got up there. They were so nice and SO beautiful. I guess I was starstruck, they spoke to us like we were old friends. I was totally impressed.

So, we noticed cameramen everywhere - not nearly as many as Secret Servicemen. Wow - talk about hot! But anyway, when we got home, we sat down to watch the news and there we were! They filmed us standing in line!

Oh, and TV does add 10lbs hehe.

The first picture is of my Mom and My Hubby standing in line (you can see a Secret Service Dude in the background) And the Second picture is a distant shot of Laura and Jenna.

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Those are two awesome women. Did you see Jenna on Oprah. She was a teacher over in Africa I think it was. I have to bite my tongue when it comes to her father though. I know I know, I will be nice, you did say you are Republican. You sound so motivated. You are kind of inspiring me you know. I am 2 weeks post op today and have lost 10 pounds. Well teetering between 9-10. I have fallen off the soup wagon and went straight to mushy and solid foods. I am 5'5 and the day of surgery was 222 pounds. But that was like 3-4 days ago. I think PMS and my body is retaliating and holding onto every pound I have, kinda thinking I am in starvation mode. So I think this weekend I am going to do at least an hour of walking or physical activity to get moving. It is kinda disheartening though reading how some people are like down 20+ pounds a week or so later after surgery. I am like WHAT???? But being that I barely made the BMI to get surgery tells me putting up huge numbers isn't going to happen. The people who lost a lot was at BMIs of 40+. who knows. Looks like I am gonna have to work hard until my fills.

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It sounds like you are doing GREAT - My Dr. wants me to lose 1-2 lbs a week - a friend of mine got a fill 2 weeks ago and she was too tight, but didn't want to tell him because she wanted to lose the weight fast - she finally broke down and went in she had lost like 15lbs in the past 2 weeks - he gave her a complete unfill (she was also sick from it). He was very angry with her and told her to go on liquids for a week, then come back in 2 for a slight fill. I am a little jealous when I hear people with huge weight losses, but I just keep telling myself that I will get there - and probably at the same time they will. Bodies have a way of evening themselves out. Keep up the great work - the time before fills is the HARDEST.

And thanks for going easy on a Republican here! :-)

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I totally forgot about the book signing. We are in Barnes and Noble there almost every week. I have become a book reader! How is the gym going?

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The gym WAS going great, but I have a HUGE blister on my heel from new workout shoes. I have taken 3 days off - but I will probably go back with some backless tennis shoes - hopefully I will be as motivated. :-)

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You are so cute. I do like McCain though. Right now I think I would vote for Elmo if he could lower the price of gas. good grief, everytime I buy a new car which tends to guzzle gas, it totally goes up over 50 cents and never comes back down. Those Vespa scooters are kinda looking tempting. Just gotta lose some weight so I look good riding on one.:rolleyes2: I am seriously giving thought to a bodybugg thanks to you. I remember seeing them on the biggest loser- this past couples show and never gave it much thought. I just thought they would be outlandishly high so never investigated it. Hey just FYI, when I get blisters, I bought those blister bandaids which kinda cushion it and then cover that with a clothlike sports tape. I would run or walk for over an hour and couldn't feel any pain. I just leave it open to air and wear sandals when not working out. Have a good week!!!

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lol, I agree with the price of gas - my hubby is getting a motorcycle for that very reason. I can't wait to be thin enough to look good on the back of it!

I have never seen blister bandaids, I am so going to WalMart tomorrow morning to try some! I went to the gym today and wore some tennis shoes that don't have backs - I could ride the bike, but I kept walking out of them on the treadmill.

I had been looking at bodybuggs - and then noticed them on The Biggest Loser too - I think I was addicted to that show this year. I still LOVE my Bugg - it doesn't lie - this week has been crazy and it keeps letting me know - girl - you ain't gonna lose weight if you keep this up! I just wish it would zap me when I eat the wrong things!

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he he No kidding zap away. I wanna say they are gel like bandaids to cushion the blister, by bandaid brand, I got them at walgreens if walmart doesn't have them. Then just look for athletic tape to cover it. My ex- husband fell off the treadmill watching TV one time at the YMCA. Was the funniest damn thing. I couldn't help but to laugh. He was so goofy.

I know I am lost on Tuesday nights now. It was inspirational for sure. Can you believe the winner? She is like my new idol. She looks awesome. A little too thin but healthy and happy none the less. I can lose weight with plans like W/W and Jenny Craig but the minute I go off I gain back and then some. This time I am excited to have restriction on my side; especially to help with maintenance.

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he he No kidding zap away. I wanna say they are gel like bandaids to cushion the blister, by bandaid brand, I got them at walgreens if walmart doesn't have them. Then just look for athletic tape to cover it. My ex- husband fell off the treadmill watching TV one time at the YMCA. Was the funniest damn thing. I couldn't help but to laugh. He was so goofy.

I know I am lost on Tuesday nights now. It was inspirational for sure. Can you believe the winner? She is like my new idol. She looks awesome. A little too thin but healthy and happy none the less. I can lose weight with plans like W/W and Jenny Craig but the minute I go off I gain back and then some. This time I am excited to have restriction on my side; especially to help with maintenance.

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I loved Ali on The Biggest Loser - and I couldn't believe she won! It was such an awesome transformation. The men look great and lose so much weight, but the women's looks change so much. I can't wait to lose a significant amount of weight and it be noticeable.

Too funny about your hubby falling off - I have to hold on - I have horrible balance and I would totally fall.

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Oh my gosh I would have been so thrilled to see Laura Bush! How cool was that for you?!!!!! She is a class act!

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She was just wonderful! She kept thanking US for standing in line to buy her book - She was SO beautiful. It was really a great experience. Also - I am hoping that when Jenna continues the book tour - she will start signing her new name - because this was the last stop before her wedding - so it makes it a bit more memorable being the last set of books she signs as Jenna Bush!

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