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Nervous about the PreOp Diet and Tried the protein drink

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Its my last weekend to eat whatever i please...Then i have to start the pre op diet on monday. I am feeling good about the protein drink...it was actually good and made me feel really really full. I got a tattoo last night and that was fun. Ill be posting my tattoo in my picture album. If anyone reads this how do you post the TICKER?i want one on my page but im so confused on where to put it so it shows up. Blah im only 20 and i feel like im getting old cuz im asking technology questions lol :confused2: On sunday i will be starting my birth control so i dont get pregnant bc i hear that after obese women start losing weight they become fertile and i would rather lose weight then have a baby...AND i dont want to mess up my band!!:w00t:

Mandi Jo

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Its my last weekend to eat whatever i please...Then i have to start the pre op diet on monday. I am feeling good about the protein drink...it was actually good and made me feel really really full. I got a tattoo last night and that was fun. Ill be posting my tattoo in my picture album. If anyone reads this how do you post the TICKER?i want one on my page but im so confused on where to put it so it shows up. Blah im only 20 and i feel like im getting old cuz im asking technology questions lol :confused2: On sunday i will be starting my birth control so i dont get pregnant bc i hear that after obese women start losing weight they become fertile and i would rather lose weight then have a baby...AND i dont want to mess up my band!!:rolleyes2:

Mandi Jo

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have"nt been approved yet, but i'm sure i will be. i'm really excited! you will do great you're still a baby!

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wow, goodluck with the diet, i am in the same way too i am trying to eat everything i can now just little bits ,even tho i am supposed to be on a diet, very soon it will be bye bye food.

Thank you for making the comment about being more fert after losing weight, because in that case i too will need to talk to my doctor about birth control before surgery dont want any kids at 23.

well anyway goodluck hope your diet goes well :rolleyes2:

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go to ticker.com and create a ticker..then copy the bb code and paste it in your signature box on your profile on here..that way everytime you leave a post it will be on it

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Hi Everyone. I've never blogged on a computer before but here it goes....my date to be banded is June 5 so this is my last weekend to eat as well. I've eaten like a pig and I know i shouldnt have but this is it. Food is my best friend and it's time to say goodbye. I will start a pre op liquid fast on 5/28 which is tomorrow. I will need alot of stength and prayers to get me through. I am 285 pounds and have a goal weight of 140. My real goal is to be healthier and to have enough energy to go outside and play with my 7 year old son. Energy enough to come home from work and feel like taking him to the park to play instead of racing to the couch because a normal work day now exhausts me. Anyway, thanks for listening.

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