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Sales people who have been banded?

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well this is the first time im on here. I am so excited about my surgery on May 13th. I am scared to. Maybe i should say nervous. I have finally told my family and friends that I am having the lap band surgery. My mom thinks im crazy and my fiancee, says he is supporting me but he wishes I would not have the surgery. I know that I have to do this for me. Does any work on the road or is in sales and is constantly on the road. If you are and you have been banded what do you do about eating? Do you carry your protein shakes with you or do you carry a small container of food with you? I would love to know. One of the hardest things for me is probably going to be taking my clients out to eat and not eating with them. But if you are on the road , i would love some advice. . Im 304 lbs and 28yrs old i know i cannot continue to be this size. I believe I made the best decision.:w00t:

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well this is the first time im on here. I am so excited about my surgery on May 13th. I am scared to. Maybe i should say nervous. I have finally told my family and friends that I am having the lap band surgery. My mom thinks im crazy and my fiancee, says he is supporting me but he wishes I would not have the surgery. I know that I have to do this for me. Does any work on the road or is in sales and is constantly on the road. If you are and you have been banded what do you do about eating? Do you carry your protein shakes with you or do you carry a small container of food with you? I would love to know. One of the hardest things for me is probably going to be taking my clients out to eat and not eating with them. But if you are on the road , i would love some advice. . Im 304 lbs and 28yrs old i know i cannot continue to be this size. I believe I made the best decision.:rolleyes2:

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Hi Congrats On Your Future Surgery .. Its Ssoo Exciting Isnt It?!?!?!? Well Im In Sales But Not On The Road All The Time So Its A Little Easier For Me But We Still Have A Lot Of Vendors That Either Bring Us Food Or We Go Out To Eat..

Here Is A Tip .. When You Eat Out Ask For A To Go Box And Just Leave A Small Serving On Your Plate.. Look For Things You Can Eat ( Salmon And Steamed Veggies From Chillies) Thats What I Do At Least .. I Dont Feal Left Out And I Eat The Amount I Should Works For Me Hopefully It Works For You

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Hi. Sometimes we have to ignore our well-meaning and loving family members who want the best for us but just don't get it. If you are really ready for this lifestyle change you'll do fine. You'll be able to eat with clients - you'll just be eating tiny bits. If they seem nice maybe you can offer to split a salad or appetizer with them. People don't tend to notice you only ate a 10th of the appetizer and they ate the rest. :rolleyes2: Learn all you can and you'll be able to get throught this just fine! And best of luck.

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