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13 Days and counting

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April 24th

Today I have only 13 days till I get banded and I had to lose 15 pounds before surgery and when I went to my nurse appointment Mon. of course I did not meet my goal weight so I am on liquid diet till surgery:eek::w00t:. I really just don't know how I will handle this. I joined this site to get information on life after the band and how to prepare such small meals. If you have found things that work please let me know, this has been a big concern for me.

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April 24th

Today I have only 13 days till I get banded and I had to lose 15 pounds before surgery and when I went to my nurse appointment Mon. of course I did not meet my goal weight so I am on liquid diet till surgery:eek::). I really just don't know how I will handle this. I joined this site to get information on life after the band and how to prepare such small meals. If you have found things that work please let me know, this has been a big concern for me.

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Ugh, the liquid diet is the worst! Luckily I didn't have to do it but the day before surgery and then 2 weeks after.

I had problems eating a small amount at first, but now, I put a small amount on my plate and usually have some left over when I am done.

I cook about the same as before (size wise) we just eat it longer. I have found myself throwing out food every now and again. I NEVER used to have to do that. We always finished everything off.

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