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The Crawfish Festival

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Yesterday was beautiful, bright and sunny with a nice breeze. We, hubby, myself, my nephew Josh and his girlfriend Kristen all headed out to the opening weekend of the Crawfish Festival.


Now, I had a fill a few days ago so I am on liquids and couldn't partake in the yummies that everyone else did. However, I did suck on a piece of grilled Chicken. Yumm!


We really enjoyed the festivities - we even talked Kristen into riding a mechanical bull - she did really well. We all got a bit sunburned - of course me more than all else - must be some of my German blood coming out.


I was sure hoping I would lose quite a bit on liquids - but once again, my body just holds onto those damn liquids. Oh well. I am on soft foods now, so hopefully I will lose more this week. I am still loving my BodyBugg and actually enjoying counting calories and watching my progress.

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Yesterday was beautiful, bright and sunny with a nice breeze. We, hubby, myself, my nephew Josh and his girlfriend Kristen all headed out to the opening weekend of the Crawfish Festival.

Now, I had a fill a few days ago so I am on liquids and couldn't partake in the yummies that everyone else did. However, I did suck on a piece of grilled Chicken. Yumm!

We really enjoyed the festivities - we even talked Kristen into riding a mechanical bull - she did really well. We all got a bit sunburned - of course me more than all else - must be some of my German blood coming out.

I was sure hoping I would lose quite a bit on liquids - but once again, my body just holds onto those damn liquids. Oh well. I am on soft foods now, so hopefully I will lose more this week. I am still loving my BodyBugg and actually enjoying counting calories and watching my progress.

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Yes, it stinks. It is kind of like after surgery, your stomach freaks out and says, hey what the hell is squeezing me? So my Dr. makes only have liquids the day of the fill, then for the following 3 days too. Then you go onto soft foods for 3 or 4 days (I can't remember) then back to regular foods. It normally isn't bad at all. After a fill, you don't have much hunger, but this time was different. I thought I was starving! I am much better now, I thought I might have to tackle a couple of people for a Turkey Leg and grilled corn yesterday!

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