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I need some one my age to talk to about this

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ok so i am SUPER afraid of doctors and like 5 times more afraid of them cutting my skin and bing inside of a part of my body that they shouldnt..... this is how i keep looking at it. I'm so scared but I'm over 100lbs over weight and i need to do something for myself and getting over this fear would be a great thing to do for me....but its so hard. i have talked to a few people and they keep saying it wasn't that bad having a baby was worse......that is exactly what i don't want to here i want to talk to some one my age who has not had a baby and i want them to tell me everything not just a summery of how it was.... i mean like.."well i put the robe on and they wheeled me down to surgery......they put the mask on my face...i had a dream about blah blah blah and then i was soar for 3 days!" something like that.....cause i am horrified of a cut, injury, and anything painful. i cant even watch it in cartoons. please help!

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ok so i am SUPER afraid of doctors and like 5 times more afraid of them cutting my skin and bing inside of a part of my body that they shouldnt..... this is how i keep looking at it. I'm so scared but I'm over 100lbs over weight and i need to do something for myself and getting over this fear would be a great thing to do for me....but its so hard. i have talked to a few people and they keep saying it wasn't that bad having a baby was worse......that is exactly what i don't want to here i want to talk to some one my age who has not had a baby and i want them to tell me everything not just a summery of how it was.... i mean like.."well i put the robe on and they wheeled me down to surgery......they put the mask on my face...i had a dream about blah blah blah and then i was soar for 3 days!" something like that.....cause i am horrified of a cut, injury, and anything painful. i cant even watch it in cartoons. please help!

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Hey girl. I understand your fears, I too have never had a baby and don't like Dr.s. I am not sure how old you are, I am 32. I have detailed almost every detail in my Blog. Even the fills. Here is my blog - if you want more details on something, let me know and i will see what I can remember. (its been 2 months) and God has a way of making us forget the un-pleasantries.


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Yep you need to work this out B4 you get banded. You're not seeing the forest because of the trees. There is a big picture here, your health and well being. The band is but a part of it, as is the surgery and the diet and the exercise and the head hunger..... You get it.

I haven't had kids so I can't compare. It was surgery. You will feel under the weather. The incisions well hurt a bit. You will have gas pains. It might suck for you. It didn't suck as bad as I thought it would. you will need a good support group.

I hope you find some folks to talk with about your fears.

Good luck.

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thank you both very much! i really appreciate your help. minpinmom i will check out your blog as well as your minpin! I'm a doggy mom of a Yorke with a quart bichon! yay dogie babies!

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Okay, you have to ask yourself, where do you want to be 10 yrs from now? Overweight, diabetes, dead? Do you want to eventually have children?

As Ajoneen stated, you have to look at the bigger picture. Yes, I won't lie, its a little uncomfortable, but uncomfortable, not unbearable. And the outcome is so worth it.

I think EVERYONE should be cautious about any type of surgery, surgery is surgery. This is something that only you can decide to do. Will you feel the cuts? No, not at the time they are doing it, but afterwards, you will be a little sore, but for most they say it leaves within a few days, me, I say a week. I was nervous too, you can read thru my journey. I kept it up now ever since I decided to be banded. I'm sure I wrote about my fears too.

Talk to the psych eval therapist about your fears as well, maybe they can help calm you. Also, make sure the docs understand and they too can help give you something before to help with your nervousness.

Best wishes.

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Dogs rock! I puppy sit a friends Yorkie from time to time, although my dogs think that little dogs with hair translate into fun squeaky toy to chase!

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