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So I had my second fill

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Yesterday, I had my second fill. (Thank God for the cancellation!) It wasn't as bad as the first time, I guess because I knew what was coming. He looked at my chart and asked me if I wanted him to use a larger needle or stick with the smallest. Chicken Little, of course said stay with the little needle. The prick doesn't hurt, but since my port is deep and he has to press down to reach it, that burns a little, but not enough for me to want him to go larger :-)


I am on liquids again, and I hate liquids. Dr. Spiegel is pretty strict after a fill. Liquids (clear) the day of the fill, then for the three days following too. (He does allow - insist, you drink Slim Fast, but other than that, they have to be clear liquids). Then on day 4, you go onto mushies for the rest of the week, then start on regular foods. I can't wait for mushies.


I am doing so good, I am logging everything into Daily Plate. I love that thing. I can SEE what I am doing. Sometimes, I am embarrassed to put it down, but it allows me to cut back later in the day for a splurge in the morning. I have entered some of my recipes on there, it calculates all the nutrition for you. I LOVE it!


Hubby got me a new bicycle yesterday - it is a granny bike. :-) I searched everywhere for one, and the people were all laughing at me. I would ask them if they had any bikes like Jessica Fletcher rides on Murder She Wrote. I found one on Wal Mart online and it said it was available in SOME stores. It wasn't in the first two, but the third store had it. I made it mine. ----> Swooning <----


I went riding today, for maybe 15-20 minutes and OMG I thought I was going to die! My legs were total jelly. Tomorrow I will try to go a bit further and maybe one day I will be a seasoned bike rider!

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Yesterday, I had my second fill. (Thank God for the cancellation!) It wasn't as bad as the first time, I guess because I knew what was coming. He looked at my chart and asked me if I wanted him to use a larger needle or stick with the smallest. Chicken Little, of course said stay with the little needle. The prick doesn't hurt, but since my port is deep and he has to press down to reach it, that burns a little, but not enough for me to want him to go larger :-)

I am on liquids again, and I hate liquids. Dr. Spiegel is pretty strict after a fill. Liquids (clear) the day of the fill, then for the three days following too. (He does allow - insist, you drink Slim Fast, but other than that, they have to be clear liquids). Then on day 4, you go onto mushies for the rest of the week, then start on regular foods. I can't wait for mushies.

I am doing so good, I am logging everything into Daily Plate. I love that thing. I can SEE what I am doing. Sometimes, I am embarrassed to put it down, but it allows me to cut back later in the day for a splurge in the morning. I have entered some of my recipes on there, it calculates all the nutrition for you. I LOVE it!

Hubby got me a new bicycle yesterday - it is a granny bike. :-) I searched everywhere for one, and the people were all laughing at me. I would ask them if they had any bikes like Jessica Fletcher rides on Murder She Wrote. I found one on Wal Mart online and it said it was available in SOME stores. It wasn't in the first two, but the third store had it. I made it mine. ----> Swooning <----

I went riding today, for maybe 15-20 minutes and OMG I thought I was going to die! My legs were total jelly. Tomorrow I will try to go a bit further and maybe one day I will be a seasoned bike rider!

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