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My weight loss journey

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I wish I had known about this blog feature before now, I'd love to have started blogging my journey at the beginning of my liquid diet. But I'm only 3 days into it, so this will have to do.


Wednesday, March 5th 2008 was my consultation with my surgeon and my surgery was scheduled for Friday, March 21st. My weight on that day was 208 (down 2 lbs due to stomach virus the previous weekend). On Thursday, 3/6 I was informed that I couldn't have my surgery on 3/21 due to it being Good Friday and would I like to have it on Wed. 3/19. So I jumped on it, even though it would mean that I would have to start my liquid diet immediately, without getting my "last meal" in like I'd planned.


I've lost 7 lbs in three days and I've even "cheated" a little. LOL @ "cheating"...that means I've had about 300 calories of food (eggs, soup, cheese) per day, in addition to the liquids. I've got to stop that, like now. But I think it's helped me and now I can probably do strictly liquids, that I've gotten over the constant cravings of any and every thing. IF, for some reason, I couldn't have my surgery in a week in a half, if it had to be post-poned until like June or something, and I could go eat whatever I wanted now, honestly I don't know what I'd want. So that's good, for me anyway.


Also, late at night when I can't sleep is the worst time for me wanting to snack. Last night was so bad I came thisclose to saying "screw it" altogether, that I would just learn to be a happy fat person. Or just put off my surgery until I got my mind "right" about it (as if that would ever happen). Then it dawned on me that I'd NEVER want to do an all liquid diet and did I really want to have to start this over? NO WAY, so just tough it out.


I've been cleaning my house from top to bottom. That has been a saving grace for me, because it has kept me busy and my mind off food. Also, when I'm recouperating, I won't have to worry about my house being clean, other than keeping it straightened up and picking up after myself. My mom will be here to help too, but I don't want her to have to clean up my house, just help me keep up with things and not let it get messy.


I don't know what to do with myself from now until surgery. If the weather is pretty, I may take my son to the park. Or I'll just run a lot of errands.


So, to recap on the weight.


3/5/08 = 208 lbs (two weeks pre-op)

3/9/08 = 201 lbs (3 days on liquid pre-op)

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I wish I had known about this blog feature before now, I'd love to have started blogging my journey at the beginning of my liquid diet. But I'm only 3 days into it, so this will have to do.

Wednesday, March 5th 2008 was my consultation with my surgeon and my surgery was scheduled for Friday, March 21st. My weight on that day was 208 (down 2 lbs due to stomach virus the previous weekend). On Thursday, 3/6 I was informed that I couldn't have my surgery on 3/21 due to it being Good Friday and would I like to have it on Wed. 3/19. So I jumped on it, even though it would mean that I would have to start my liquid diet immediately, without getting my "last meal" in like I'd planned.

I've lost 7 lbs in three days and I've even "cheated" a little. LOL @ "cheating"...that means I've had about 300 calories of food (eggs, soup, cheese) per day, in addition to the liquids. I've got to stop that, like now. But I think it's helped me and now I can probably do strictly liquids, that I've gotten over the constant cravings of any and every thing. IF, for some reason, I couldn't have my surgery in a week in a half, if it had to be post-poned until like June or something, and I could go eat whatever I wanted now, honestly I don't know what I'd want. So that's good, for me anyway.

Also, late at night when I can't sleep is the worst time for me wanting to snack. Last night was so bad I came thisclose to saying "screw it" altogether, that I would just learn to be a happy fat person. Or just put off my surgery until I got my mind "right" about it (as if that would ever happen). Then it dawned on me that I'd NEVER want to do an all liquid diet and did I really want to have to start this over? NO WAY, so just tough it out.

I've been cleaning my house from top to bottom. That has been a saving grace for me, because it has kept me busy and my mind off food. Also, when I'm recouperating, I won't have to worry about my house being clean, other than keeping it straightened up and picking up after myself. My mom will be here to help too, but I don't want her to have to clean up my house, just help me keep up with things and not let it get messy.

I don't know what to do with myself from now until surgery. If the weather is pretty, I may take my son to the park. Or I'll just run a lot of errands.

So, to recap on the weight.

3/5/08 = 208 lbs (two weeks pre-op)

3/9/08 = 201 lbs (3 days on liquid pre-op)

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I too am having my band placed on the 19th. I'm sorry you are on a liquid diet, my surgeon placed me on a 30g a day carb diet. You are a stronger woman than me!:biggrin:

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If I had it to do over, I'd look for a dr. that didn't require such a grueling pre-op diet. But I am losing weight, so at least there's that!

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I got my call tonight that my insurance said YES and she asked me if next Friday the 21st would be too soon for me to be banded - I said not to soon for me - I was rejected last May so finally my journey will begin. I will begin my protein drinks tommorow. I am excited and nervous - I will be a hot mama at my daughters wedding June 2009 - can't let her stepmothers (x2) look better than this older sexier chick - ME!

I wish you the best and I will be thinking of you and say a prayer for success for us all!

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Best of luck to you sueangel. The liquid diet is agony for a couple of days, but I promise it does get bearable. Try to get all of the tempting foods you possibly can out of the house, I cheated late at night the second night on some chips.

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Thanks for the good wishes - I sent my granddaughter home with a bag full of goodies from my house tonight - popcorn and chocolates - tommorow I will clean out the fridge.... and then I'll tackle the house so I too will be all set - my daughter is going to be my helper after surgery. I will be thinking of you on the 19th!

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You're 2 days after me then, I'll be thinking of you sueangel. I hope everything goes well for you. Please be sure to check in with me and let me know how you are doing. We can give each other encouragement if we have to, I'm thinking the first few days post-op will be no picnic!

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