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Take One Pound, pass it around . . .

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Well, it is amazing how this band really works. I am down 9lbs. I am hoping to keep loosing 1-2 lbs a week until my fill. I feel some restriction (I think). I get full faster and I stay full longer - but I can eat about 1+ cups at a time. I am counting calories and trying to stay between 900 - 1100 a day. I am eating a lot of dairy and keeping my Protein at least 60 Grams a day.


I feel great. I have my 2 week follow up with Dr. Spiegel on Monday the 10th, he said we would talk "fills" that day. I am so worried about a fill. Needles are my sworn enemy. My worst fear with the surgery was the stinkin IV. I am such a baby. I know I need a fill, because I can eat ANYTHING. Today was my first day on solids - bread is no problem, chicken is no problem, I really don't think anything will be a problem. I do find it hard to NOT drink for so long afterwards. I have always drank during my meals - and now, to not drink for 1.5 hours after - it's pretty hard.


I feel that I am doing pretty good though - I am having to use will power to keep from eating lots of bad stuff. Hopefully I can keep it up till my first fill. I have started using www.fitday.com I LOVE it. It really allows me to see what I am doing - and how to improve.

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Well, it is amazing how this band really works. I am down 9lbs. I am hoping to keep loosing 1-2 lbs a week until my fill. I feel some restriction (I think). I get full faster and I stay full longer - but I can eat about 1+ cups at a time. I am counting calories and trying to stay between 900 - 1100 a day. I am eating a lot of dairy and keeping my Protein at least 60 Grams a day.

I feel great. I have my 2 week follow up with Dr. Spiegel on Monday the 10th, he said we would talk "fills" that day. I am so worried about a fill. Needles are my sworn enemy. My worst fear with the surgery was the stinkin IV. I am such a baby. I know I need a fill, because I can eat ANYTHING. Today was my first day on solids - bread is no problem, chicken is no problem, I really don't think anything will be a problem. I do find it hard to NOT drink for so long afterwards. I have always drank during my meals - and now, to not drink for 1.5 hours after - it's pretty hard.

I feel that I am doing pretty good though - I am having to use will power to keep from eating lots of bad stuff. Hopefully I can keep it up till my first fill. I have started using www.fitday.com I LOVE it. It really allows me to see what I am doing - and how to improve.

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Congrats on the weight loss!!!! Super Super job!!! I can't wait to go to my appointment next Monday. I am afraid to lose even 1 pound before then as I know that what I weigh on that day will most likely the weight that they tell Tricare and since I'm so close I don't want to chance not getting approved.

Hope the time flies until your appointment. So far as the needle goes just think a little discomfort for a huge loss!

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YEA! I am so happy for you! :biggrin: My first appt. is on the 14th... with my PCM. Is he the one that takes your weight that matters, or is it the surgeon? Just not sure who submits what to Tricare? Is their anything I should prepare or take with me for the PCM or anything I should write for the PCM to send to Tricare?

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When I went to my PCM, I took a paper with the name, address, phone and fax of the surgeon I wanted to see. I also took a copy of the paperwork showing the requirements for Lapband - I can send it to you if you need it (it is a pdf file). I have heard of PCMs not referring to the surgeon, so I would have my ducks in a row when you get there. Let them know you have done your research. The surgeon was the one who submitted to Tricare for the surgery. He was the one that wrote the letter of medical necessity.

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Cool, well I think my ducks are good. My weight is right at 100 pounds over for my height and medium frame... though I am a bit taller than I have been saying. Not much, but when I measured myself yesterday I appear to be 1/2 inch taller than I though. Do they measure your height... or just take your word for it? My blood pressure has been staying high for a while, and I also have adult onset Asthma... I've kept record of my BP and record of all my doctors I've seen for it and for asthma. Should I take a record of my weight and all diets I've attempted in the last 12 years? Yes, also.... if you have that paper in pdf I'd love to have it.

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My Dr. NEVER measured me - weigh me yes, every stinkin time. I would just TELL them your height and underestimate if you can. I would go ahead and create a list of diets, programs, weight loss drugs, diet pills, etc. My Surgeon had a HUGE packet to fill out on my initial visit and wanted diets and dates - of course, I made up all the dates - come on, I have been on Weight Watchers off and on my entire life - like I remember what month to what month. So I just put like 1/94-7/94, stuff like that. It didn't seem to make much of a difference, he just wanted to make sure I had tried to loose weight through diet. I will send the form to your email - since it is PDF, it won't let me post it here.

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