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dr joya

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I felt compelled to write this testimonial after returning from Mexico where I received my lapband from Dr. Joya. I am a nurse from the USA, who has been dealing with weight loss issues for years. I tried many weight loss tactics which all resulted in failure, (lose 10 pounds, gain 15). I didn't have time for exercise, ( 2 jobs, kids, etc). and a million excuses for not being able to. Besides, with being overweight, I didn't have the energy and I lacked self-esteem, so there was no motivation for exercise. (I did try the gym for a short time, but that didn't seem to give me results. I seemed to eat more, since I was burning calories. Besides, I wasn't committed for the above reasons).

So, in desperation, I realized I wanted to do something about my weight. I didn't want gastric bypass. That is too permanent, I am not sure about long term consequences and I need to be able to reverse what I am doing for my weight loss, just in case , down the road, they find harmful side effects. And that is where the lapband seemed the best alternative. I spoke with nutritionists who have said the key to weight loss is small, frequent meals. My problem is portion control. When I really like something, I don't control my portion size. It is difficult, since I am considered an "emotional eater" or "stress eater" too. I find satisfaction and comfort in GOOD food. So, the lapband appears that it will fix my greatest downfall, and that is portion control.

Now, I had to decide how to go about getting the lapband done. Insurance wouldn't cover it. So, I had to pay cash. In the USA, cheapest was $11,000. In Mexico, it was $8,000. Now, my decision was, should I chance going to Mexico. I am dealing with a surgery and putting my life into the hands of someone in a country, that I am not familiar with. You know, you hear the stories, "substandard care, cockroaches, etc". Well, let me tell you. All of my fears were unnecessary. When I researched online MD's in Mexico, there didn't appear to be any negative comments on Dr. Joya. There is a lapband site not affiliated with Dr. Joya that adds comments on all lapband doctors and Dr. Joya was spoken of with all positive comments.

So, let me tell you of my experience. After two years of deliberating. When I decided I wanting to get the lapband, I called Dr. Joya and was able to schedule my surgery within 2 weeks. I paid the $8,000 and that included everything ( no hidden costs). They paid and arranged the airfare, transportation (except back to the airport from the hotel, that cost $5), and all surgical related expenses. Nothing else came out of my pocket.

Now here is my story of my journey. I arrived Mexico on Tuesday, (by myself). The prearranged taxi, by Dr. Joya was waiting for me. They brought me to the Cornerstone Hospital (nice, clean hospital, NO signs of filth. JCHACO, Department of Health would not have any environmental issues). They performed tests on me. They got my blood work and IV with one needle stick. After 4 hours and meeting key players dealing with my healthcare, I went to the OR. I was awake as I was transferred to the OR table and they applied monitoring equipment on me. I was thinking OK, where is anesthesia, I am ready for the good stuff that will knock me out. I was thinking, OK, I saw enough of the OR, when are they going to knock me out. And, before you know it, I am opening my eyes and the procedure is over. It only lasted 30 minutes. Pain was minimal, the staff was great at giving pain medicine in the IV. Don't refuse it, just keep asking for it. There is no need to be uncomfortable. I was able to walk to the bathroom that night, without any problems. I slept on and off through the night. Not because of pain, but because I couldn't believe I did it. The next morning I showered and packed for the Hotel. I didn't have any problems with any valuables missing. The key people spoke English. (the only thing I would suggest is bring a small translation book for Spanish when you speak to ancillary help). Just in case there is something you want. I wanted chicken broth, but the dietary staff didn't understand. So then they transferred me to the Hotel. It was a beach front hotel and under other circumstances, I would have had a blast at that hotel. But, since I just had surgery, I wasn't exactly up to "partying it up". I felt good, but not that good.

I recovered that 2nd night in the hotel, taking my pain meds and antibiotics that Dr. Joya provided. The next day, Thursday, I was on my way home. I went to the shops next to the hotel for mementos, but found Puerto Varlet to be commercialized with Home Depot, Wal-Mart, Starbucks, Outback’s, etc. Hey, I thought I was in Mexico, but, I almost felt like I was back home. Except in Mexico, it was 79 degrees, not 20. There was a beautiful ocean, it was nice. So, I took a taxi back to the airport (10 minutes away) and I was on my way home. I got in Philly at 2am and drove straight to work at 5am. Yes, I felt that okay, that I went to work. I wouldn't advise you to do that, you should pamper yourself for a day or two. But, for me, it was unavoidable. Bottom line though, is that I was actually okay enough to do it.

So, for anyone that is skeptical and wants to know if they should do it. I say go for it. You will not be disappointed. I received care that was comparable to care that you would receive in the USA. I was safe. The price was awesome and there were no extra expenses. I definitely would recommend Dr. Joya. He is professional. He has staff like Natalie, that "hold your hand" and walk you through the whole experience. And once you return to the United States, there are Doctors in your area that will monitor and fill your band as needed so that you don't have to travel back to Mexico. Not that I wouldn't love to travel back there, because I definitely would have Dr. Joya follow up with me. But, because of the cost of travel, it makes it difficult.

I hope this information helps anyone considerin

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I felt compelled to write this testimonial after returning from Mexico where I received my lapband from Dr. Joya. I am a nurse from the USA, who has been dealing with weight loss issues for years. I tried many weight loss tactics which all resulted in failure, (lose 10 pounds, gain 15). I didn't have time for exercise, ( 2 jobs, kids, etc). and a million excuses for not being able to. Besides, with being overweight, I didn't have the energy and I lacked self-esteem, so there was no motivation for exercise. (I did try the gym for a short time, but that didn't seem to give me results. I seemed to eat more, since I was burning calories. Besides, I wasn't committed for the above reasons).

So, in desperation, I realized I wanted to do something about my weight. I didn't want gastric bypass. That is too permanent, I am not sure about long term consequences and I need to be able to reverse what I am doing for my weight loss, just in case , down the road, they find harmful side effects. And that is where the lapband seemed the best alternative. I spoke with nutritionists who have said the key to weight loss is small, frequent meals. My problem is portion control. When I really like something, I don't control my portion size. It is difficult, since I am considered an "emotional eater" or "stress eater" too. I find satisfaction and comfort in GOOD food. So, the lapband appears that it will fix my greatest downfall, and that is portion control.

Now, I had to decide how to go about getting the lapband done. Insurance wouldn't cover it. So, I had to pay cash. In the USA, cheapest was $11,000. In Mexico, it was $8,000. Now, my decision was, should I chance going to Mexico. I am dealing with a surgery and putting my life into the hands of someone in a country, that I am not familiar with. You know, you hear the stories, "substandard care, cockroaches, etc". Well, let me tell you. All of my fears were unnecessary. When I researched online MD's in Mexico, there didn't appear to be any negative comments on Dr. Joya. There is a lapband site not affiliated with Dr. Joya that adds comments on all lapband doctors and Dr. Joya was spoken of with all positive comments.

So, let me tell you of my experience. After two years of deliberating. When I decided I wanting to get the lapband, I called Dr. Joya and was able to schedule my surgery within 2 weeks. I paid the $8,000 and that included everything ( no hidden costs). They paid and arranged the airfare, transportation (except back to the airport from the hotel, that cost $5), and all surgical related expenses. Nothing else came out of my pocket.

Now here is my story of my journey. I arrived Mexico on Tuesday, (by myself). The prearranged taxi, by Dr. Joya was waiting for me. They brought me to the Cornerstone Hospital (nice, clean hospital, NO signs of filth. JCHACO, Department of Health would not have any environmental issues). They performed tests on me. They got my blood work and IV with one needle stick. After 4 hours and meeting key players dealing with my healthcare, I went to the OR. I was awake as I was transferred to the OR table and they applied monitoring equipment on me. I was thinking OK, where is anesthesia, I am ready for the good stuff that will knock me out. I was thinking, OK, I saw enough of the OR, when are they going to knock me out. And, before you know it, I am opening my eyes and the procedure is over. It only lasted 30 minutes. Pain was minimal, the staff was great at giving pain medicine in the IV. Don't refuse it, just keep asking for it. There is no need to be uncomfortable. I was able to walk to the bathroom that night, without any problems. I slept on and off through the night. Not because of pain, but because I couldn't believe I did it. The next morning I showered and packed for the Hotel. I didn't have any problems with any valuables missing. The key people spoke English. (the only thing I would suggest is bring a small translation book for Spanish when you speak to ancillary help). Just in case there is something you want. I wanted chicken broth, but the dietary staff didn't understand. So then they transferred me to the Hotel. It was a beach front hotel and under other circumstances, I would have had a blast at that hotel. But, since I just had surgery, I wasn't exactly up to "partying it up". I felt good, but not that good.

I recovered that 2nd night in the hotel, taking my pain meds and antibiotics that Dr. Joya provided. The next day, Thursday, I was on my way home. I went to the shops next to the hotel for mementos, but found Puerto Varlet to be commercialized with Home Depot, Wal-Mart, Starbucks, Outback’s, etc. Hey, I thought I was in Mexico, but, I almost felt like I was back home. Except in Mexico, it was 79 degrees, not 20. There was a beautiful ocean, it was nice. So, I took a taxi back to the airport (10 minutes away) and I was on my way home. I got in Philly at 2am and drove straight to work at 5am. Yes, I felt that okay, that I went to work. I wouldn't advise you to do that, you should pamper yourself for a day or two. But, for me, it was unavoidable. Bottom line though, is that I was actually okay enough to do it.

So, for anyone that is skeptical and wants to know if they should do it. I say go for it. You will not be disappointed. I received care that was comparable to care that you would receive in the USA. I was safe. The price was awesome and there were no extra expenses. I definitely would recommend Dr. Joya. He is professional. He has staff like Natalie, that "hold your hand" and walk you through the whole experience. And once you return to the United States, there are Doctors in your area that will monitor and fill your band as needed so that you don't have to travel back to Mexico. Not that I wouldn't love to travel back there, because I definitely would have Dr. Joya follow up with me. But, because of the cost of travel, it makes it difficult.

I hope this information helps anyone considerin

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Hi!! I was browsing through the blogs and I read yours and it was GREAT!!! I, myself, have been struggling with my weight for over 30 years - about 2 years ago I started to do research on the Lapband procedure - I assumed that my insurance company would not cover it here for me in the USA (I have no co-morbidities and only 85 pounds overweight) - So, I began to consider having the surgery done in Mexico - And guess who I was strongly considering???!! Dr. Joya!! I had narrowed it down to 2 doctors, including him - In February 2009 , I obtained my passport, set the $8000 aside and was starting to contact Gerald Witt (the POC here for Dr. Joya) - Just for kicks I went to a required info session in Woodbridge, VA - I then went to a "consult" appointment on Feb 5th - On Feb 17th I learned that my insurance company WAS going to cover my surgery!! I was so shocked! Gerald Witt understood completely that I was choosing to have my surgery done here in Virginia, but of course let me know that the door would still be open if something came up - So, now, my surgery is set for this coming Monday, April 13th - I am so excited and not the least bit scared - But I had to write you and let you know that I really was scared about the possibility of going to Mexico for the surgery, but Dr. Joya's team really put my fears to rest - If for some reason I wouldn't have had the surgery here in the US, then I would have gone to Dr. Joya to have it done - His prices were the best and it seemed that they really look after you and take care of you - Thanks for sharing your experience there in Mexico and I hope that you are continuing to do well and that you found a doctor here in the US that is willing to do your fills at a reasonable out-of-pocket cost - Susan

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