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Weird family reactions

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I purchased one of those fat jiggly vibration plate machines about 2 weeks ago....OMG as weird as it feels its great i lost 1.9kg in just under a week which is awesome anyway i mentioned this to my hubby and my mum and they were both really excited for me BUT the next day my mum shows up with choc marshmallow bunnies in the morning at some stage during the day put a tub of icecream in my freezer and custard pie that night WTF.....


When my husband got back from being away working for a week the next day he showed up with a new camera (yay) and 2 boxes of krispy kremes(minus the filled one) am i losing it or do they seem to have some major issues,Now im used to this from my husband as much as he wants me to lose the weight so IM happy he does get very insecure when im smaller and we have addressed this before but my mum on the other hand has always wanted me to be slim like her so im really really confused by her actions.

so now im trying to burn of that extra .9 i managed to put back on over the WEEKEND....how sad

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I purchased one of those fat jiggly vibration plate machines about 2 weeks ago....OMG as weird as it feels its great i lost 1.9kg in just under a week which is awesome anyway i mentioned this to my hubby and my mum and they were both really excited for me BUT the next day my mum shows up with choc marshmallow bunnies in the morning at some stage during the day put a tub of icecream in my freezer and custard pie that night WTF.....

When my husband got back from being away working for a week the next day he showed up with a new camera (yay) and 2 boxes of krispy kremes(minus the filled one) am i losing it or do they seem to have some major issues,Now im used to this from my husband as much as he wants me to lose the weight so IM happy he does get very insecure when im smaller and we have addressed this before but my mum on the other hand has always wanted me to be slim like her so im really really confused by her actions.

so now im trying to burn of that extra .9 i managed to put back on over the WEEKEND....how sad

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I'm dealing w/ similar issues w/ my mother, as well. I think she is jealous and quite subconsciously trying to sabotage me. I honestly do not think she is doing it on purpose, she's just concerned that I might actually do what she's never been able to do... lose weight and be 'normal.' Also, she keeps sending my husband food, AS IF I would ever let him starve!!!! My hubby's been fine with the whole situation. He's just glad I'm not making him lose weight!

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When did you have your surgery??? I am in the process of getting a surgery date. My family is not very supportive they think that there is no way i can do this. THey think that I will probably fail as I have so many times in the past. How hard was it after surgery to stay away from food and drink???

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My surgery was December 13, 2007.

It's really not that hard if you put your mind to it. I started several months before surgery cutting down (DRASTICALLY) my food intake and stopped drinking with my meals. The hardest thing to do is stop drinking with meals. But, doing those things made it so much easier.

I LOVE to cook, but not necessarily eat what I'm cooking. The coolest thing is that I can taste or eat a couple of bites and I'm good to go. I start with my proteins and then add veggies and fruit, if I have room.

As I said, my mom just doesn't get it... She intentionally tries to tempt me with things she knows I won't eat or am not supposed to eat. No kidding, less than a week after surgery, she was begging me to eat cornbread. We literally had an argument in a restaurant because she just 'couldn't understand' why. Now keep in mind, I explained every step and showed (even copied some) of every handout or informational sheet/diet sheet I have gotten. I feel like mom, who is 59, about 5'7" and weighs around 370-375 (has been as high as 437), is upset that I am trying to change my life and avoid some of the health problems she has encountered. Jealousy is a terrible monster!

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It is really sad that those that are most dear to us try to mess us up. Maybe like you said she is jealous that you are able to do something that she never could. Hopefully if you stick with it she will eventually come to admire what you are doing and stop trying to mess you up. Stay strong and you will win the race. Good luck!

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Thanks guys

sorry for not getting back sooner have not been in computer land for awhile

Kyteachjules...i think its a bit of that aswell but SHE'S SKINNY always has been

you're doing well just stay focused and don't let her issues rub onto you it's hard and it hurts cause their the ones that you expect to cheer you on the most

Angelbuddy....im up in a month

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