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i should have started this earlier.

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Hello there. This is my first entry. Heck, this is my first day on the site. It's a boring day at work and i needed a place to converse with others about this exciting change in my life.


It will be 3 weeks on Tuesday since I was banded.


Every day i wake up I still find myself excited about the changes that have already begun to take place. I often find myself thinking "wow, i actually had my surgery....FINALLY!"


I went back and forth with 2 insurance companies for over a year before i was finally approved. I feel like I'm missing or forgetting something since my wait has been over.

3 weeks and 20 pounds lighter feels good all ready :clap2:



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Hello there. This is my first entry. Heck, this is my first day on the site. It's a boring day at work and i needed a place to converse with others about this exciting change in my life.

It will be 3 weeks on Tuesday since I was banded.

Every day i wake up I still find myself excited about the changes that have already begun to take place. I often find myself thinking "wow, i actually had my surgery....FINALLY!"

I went back and forth with 2 insurance companies for over a year before i was finally approved. I feel like I'm missing or forgetting something since my wait has been over.

3 weeks and 20 pounds lighter feels good all ready :clap2:


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i know how you feel. i should have stared this earlier too. i'm waiting to hear if i got approved. the waiting is awful. some days i'm hopeful -other days i'm nervous. i should know something within two - three days. that will be two weeks after submission for approval. seems like an eternity. fortunately i am moving so i have alot of other things to concerntrate on.

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