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home again, home again, jiggity jig

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Well, I'm all home. We got almost everything in the truck and my car except for my spinning wheel and 4 totes of stuff. My M-I-L drove back with me and we had a very nice time together. I've never really spent much time with her, so this was a chance to bond.


It took what felt like forever to get everything packed and cleaned, but it only took a day. I left the apartment like I like to move into one, with a few hangers, a shower curtian, soap and TP. Once you have to pass Navy housing inspections, well you know how to leave an apartment!


It snowed about 3 inches of wonderful wet big flaked snow Saturday night while we were packing up the truck. We'd gone to dinner in our t-shirts because the night was so relatively warm--high 50's. That's warm when the weather has been for months in the teens as a daytime high... By the time we were done, a big storm had blown in, and I do mean blow! The temp had dropped about 25-30 degrees in an hour, and was snowing hard!


By the time we got up the next morning, late because the motel lost power, all the roads were bare and wet, so we didn't have to worry about that, but it was C-O-L-D with that wind blowing. But DH got off and only had to stop the truck about 8 times to re-secure the load. It was blowing so hard that he almost lost one bin--it was litterally hanging off the end of the truck by a bungie cord! The cheze lounge was almost a lost cause too, but he was able to get it home safe and sound!


It took us about 14 hours to get home. That is a long-ass trip when you are crammed into a vihicle with a big chuck of your worldy possessions... And your MIL whom you hardly know. I did most of the driving, and had to stop when it got dark. I can no longer see in the dark. This started a couple of weeks ago, I can't read road signs until they are 2 seconds close. Not a good thing. So Mary Lynn took over and drove the last 4 hours home.


Heh, I was Miss Cranky-pants when we got home, so I took my meds and went to bed.


So, now comes the long process of unpacking and re-integrating myself and my junk back into my family. I already have a few rules that will change, like "thou shalt put the new roll of TP onto the spinner" and "thou shalt hang up your jackets" and "thou shalt not cover the antique furniture with your motorcycle parts and gear" to implement.


I'm going to take a break from unpacking to drive down to the lab and pick up my lab results.


I want to thank all of you for your love and support. It really means so much to me knowing that you are here for me, weaving a mesh of love and hope around me, prayers and white lights and positive energy combining to create a cocoon of kindness to sustain me for my fight.


Thank you, most sincerely and honestly

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Well, I'm all home. We got almost everything in the truck and my car except for my spinning wheel and 4 totes of stuff. My M-I-L drove back with me and we had a very nice time together. I've never really spent much time with her, so this was a chance to bond.

It took what felt like forever to get everything packed and cleaned, but it only took a day. I left the apartment like I like to move into one, with a few hangers, a shower curtian, soap and TP. Once you have to pass Navy housing inspections, well you know how to leave an apartment!

It snowed about 3 inches of wonderful wet big flaked snow Saturday night while we were packing up the truck. We'd gone to dinner in our t-shirts because the night was so relatively warm--high 50's. That's warm when the weather has been for months in the teens as a daytime high... By the time we were done, a big storm had blown in, and I do mean blow! The temp had dropped about 25-30 degrees in an hour, and was snowing hard!

By the time we got up the next morning, late because the motel lost power, all the roads were bare and wet, so we didn't have to worry about that, but it was C-O-L-D with that wind blowing. But DH got off and only had to stop the truck about 8 times to re-secure the load. It was blowing so hard that he almost lost one bin--it was litterally hanging off the end of the truck by a bungie cord! The cheze lounge was almost a lost cause too, but he was able to get it home safe and sound!

It took us about 14 hours to get home. That is a long-ass trip when you are crammed into a vihicle with a big chuck of your worldy possessions... And your MIL whom you hardly know. I did most of the driving, and had to stop when it got dark. I can no longer see in the dark. This started a couple of weeks ago, I can't read road signs until they are 2 seconds close. Not a good thing. So Mary Lynn took over and drove the last 4 hours home.

Heh, I was Miss Cranky-pants when we got home, so I took my meds and went to bed.

So, now comes the long process of unpacking and re-integrating myself and my junk back into my family. I already have a few rules that will change, like "thou shalt put the new roll of TP onto the spinner" and "thou shalt hang up your jackets" and "thou shalt not cover the antique furniture with your motorcycle parts and gear" to implement.

I'm going to take a break from unpacking to drive down to the lab and pick up my lab results.

I want to thank all of you for your love and support. It really means so much to me knowing that you are here for me, weaving a mesh of love and hope around me, prayers and white lights and positive energy combining to create a cocoon of kindness to sustain me for my fight.

Thank you, most sincerely and honestly

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