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Friday I asked my Doctor what she thought of the possiblity of my having a lap bad and she was overjoyed. I had lost 10 pounds from last months dr visit which she was tickled about but I was less enthusiastic about it. since the month before that i had gained 30.

Anyhow she said she would start the process of making me a refferal. Now I have to wait for them to call me.


A bit about me and my weight.. I'm 39 years old and 451 lbs.

My first sign that I was to have trouble with my weight came at the age of 18 when my father came down with cancer. He had to retire from work and I became his caretaker. Up till then I spent 80% of my free time walking everywhere I went, ridding my bike and just generally being active. I was no big deal to walk 5 miles to go someplace or ride my bike.

So by the time summer ended and my senior year hit i had gained 40lbs.

Before this i was average sized.


1 year after I graduated. I got pregnant & married.

I had a old fashioned doctor who's ideals of excersice and diet were anchient YOUR EATING FOR TWO NOW! He said. Between the Dr. and my in laws (whom we lived with because of the pregnancy, wouldn't even let me open the garage door myself, or walk anywhere, and pushed food at me constantly) 75 more pounds came on.

Which of course started the vicious cycle of yo-yo-ing.

2 years later: Back injury at work and hospitalized for exhaustion.


5 years later Pregnant again gained MUCH less weight with my daughter. But after her birth was a nightmare. She was collicy and screamed 8-10 hours a day and wanted to nurse every 20-30. minutes. And my marriage was falling apart. Depression set in and I had migraine troubles.

And the medicines knocked me out for a day at a time.

Not even sure how much weight I gained during that period but it was ALlOT.


Because of added weight and a hillbilly doc who treated my back injury I started having to adapt my life for my back. Becoming less active.


3 years later another pregnancy. And more health problems. Developed Sleep apnea and became diabetic.

I spent 90% of this pregnancy falling asleep constantly. Developed MRSA on top of it all.


5 more years in a horrid marriage where my husband was mentally abusive, and untreated depression on top of all the other health problems.

several hospitalizations for cellulitis complicated by M.R.S.A


Then I met my current boyfriend. 2 years later I left my marriage of 13 years and moved in with my boyfriend.


At my highest point I hit 650 lbs.

In the first 2 years of living with my current partner I lost 250 lbs! And came out of depression.


Then i hit a plateu where I hovered at 400 pounds give or take 10 lbs.

A month ago i discovered I was gaining again. 30 lbs.

I have come to a point in my life that I want to control my life and not let everything else control me.


Some of my goals are.


Short term goals


  • Get my diabetes under better control
  • Have the Lap band surgery done
  • Handle the Back pain problem so I can exercise more.

  • Encourage my family to have better eating habits as I learn and adapt my own

Longer term goals


  • Lose around 200-250 lbs
  • Stop Smoking
  • Exercise and be able to stand to do things more like average people do.

  • NOT Need a electric cart to shop with.

  • Be able to fit behind the wheel of our van or car
  • STOP being a homebody and get out more
  • not spend 80% of my day sitting here 70% of that on the computer.

  • Be a better example to my children. So maybe my daughter will wake up and see she's heading for the same place I am in if she doesn't change.

  • Hopefully reduce the # of medications I am on. Diabetes, blood pressure and sleep apnea to all improve with better health.

I have been researching the surgery and pre & post op suggestions and experiences from this forum and several other sites. And I believe I can do this. It will be slow at first since I cannot exercise much.

My back limits me so much and I hate that.


Next visit to the doctor I am going to ask for a non medication means of handling the pain Like a T.E.N.S. unit. Hopefully one with a muscle stim setting also. Because I know why my backs messed up.


Years ago when I had my work injury my doc put me on pain pills and muscle relaxer and put me to bed. There was no therapy afterwards at all. So I think that if I can get the muscles back in shape I should be able to stand more. Getting weight off of course will help this allot. But I will need to be able to exercise as I am losing weight. For the surgery to to be a true effect tool.


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Friday I asked my Doctor what she thought of the possiblity of my having a lap bad and she was overjoyed. I had lost 10 pounds from last months dr visit which she was tickled about but I was less enthusiastic about it. since the month before that i had gained 30.

Anyhow she said she would start the process of making me a refferal. Now I have to wait for them to call me.

A bit about me and my weight.. I'm 39 years old and 451 lbs.

My first sign that I was to have trouble with my weight came at the age of 18 when my father came down with cancer. He had to retire from work and I became his caretaker. Up till then I spent 80% of my free time walking everywhere I went, ridding my bike and just generally being active. I was no big deal to walk 5 miles to go someplace or ride my bike.

So by the time summer ended and my senior year hit i had gained 40lbs.

Before this i was average sized.

1 year after I graduated. I got pregnant & married.

I had a old fashioned doctor who's ideals of excersice and diet were anchient YOUR EATING FOR TWO NOW! He said. Between the Dr. and my in laws (whom we lived with because of the pregnancy, wouldn't even let me open the garage door myself, or walk anywhere, and pushed food at me constantly) 75 more pounds came on.

Which of course started the vicious cycle of yo-yo-ing.

2 years later: Back injury at work and hospitalized for exhaustion.

5 years later Pregnant again gained MUCH less weight with my daughter. But after her birth was a nightmare. She was collicy and screamed 8-10 hours a day and wanted to nurse every 20-30. minutes. And my marriage was falling apart. Depression set in and I had migraine troubles.

And the medicines knocked me out for a day at a time.

Not even sure how much weight I gained during that period but it was ALlOT.

Because of added weight and a hillbilly doc who treated my back injury I started having to adapt my life for my back. Becoming less active.

3 years later another pregnancy. And more health problems. Developed Sleep apnea and became diabetic.

I spent 90% of this pregnancy falling asleep constantly. Developed MRSA on top of it all.

5 more years in a horrid marriage where my husband was mentally abusive, and untreated depression on top of all the other health problems.

several hospitalizations for cellulitis complicated by M.R.S.A

Then I met my current boyfriend. 2 years later I left my marriage of 13 years and moved in with my boyfriend.

At my highest point I hit 650 lbs.

In the first 2 years of living with my current partner I lost 250 lbs! And came out of depression.

Then i hit a plateu where I hovered at 400 pounds give or take 10 lbs.

A month ago i discovered I was gaining again. 30 lbs.

I have come to a point in my life that I want to control my life and not let everything else control me.

Some of my goals are.

Short term goals


  • Get my diabetes under better control
  • Have the Lap band surgery done
  • Handle the Back pain problem so I can exercise more.

  • Encourage my family to have better eating habits as I learn and adapt my own

Longer term goals


  • Lose around 200-250 lbs
  • Stop Smoking
  • Exercise and be able to stand to do things more like average people do.

  • NOT Need a electric cart to shop with.

  • Be able to fit behind the wheel of our van or car
  • STOP being a homebody and get out more
  • not spend 80% of my day sitting here 70% of that on the computer.

  • Be a better example to my children. So maybe my daughter will wake up and see she's heading for the same place I am in if she doesn't change.

  • Hopefully reduce the # of medications I am on. Diabetes, blood pressure and sleep apnea to all improve with better health.

I have been researching the surgery and pre & post op suggestions and experiences from this forum and several other sites. And I believe I can do this. It will be slow at first since I cannot exercise much.

My back limits me so much and I hate that.

Next visit to the doctor I am going to ask for a non medication means of handling the pain Like a T.E.N.S. unit. Hopefully one with a muscle stim setting also. Because I know why my backs messed up.

Years ago when I had my work injury my doc put me on pain pills and muscle relaxer and put me to bed. There was no therapy afterwards at all. So I think that if I can get the muscles back in shape I should be able to stand more. Getting weight off of course will help this allot. But I will need to be able to exercise as I am losing weight. For the surgery to to be a true effect tool.

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Guest thompson632


I just read your story and can so relate. I have been overweight all my life. I too married, told I couldn't have children and at 37 found out I was pregnant and had my son the next day. Then at 38 my second son was born. I weight approximately 325. Then ten years later my husband of 20 years walked out and I ate my way to 481lbs. I was on a death wish spiral...then in November of 2006 I had lap band. I currently weight around 388. I have not weighed this amount since the 90's. I am finally feeling so good, but it has taken a while to figure out the lap band...

I feel such a kinship with you.. I am encouraged because you found a new boyfriend at your weight...I am very lonely and feel I am ready for a good relationship, but I just don't seem to meet many people. I have always worked and worked with children which I love...my boys are now 17 and 18...I would love to chat with you as you continue on your journey, I feel I could learn alot from you, what do you think?

My e-mail address is cwcthom632@aol.com, if you would like to chat.

Thanks for listening. I always get lost in these chat rooms and then can't find my way back to the person I was chatting with, that it why I included my e-mail.

Bless you,


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