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Tomorrow I go in for my labwork and EKG. I'm approaching the final steps of a journey that started 08/02/17. What hasn't been much time, sure seems like it has. When I started, I was doing it to appease my wife, my stepkids, and to give it a chance as numerous other diets and exercise regimens have come and gone. As I went through the process, the classes, support groups, etc. I find myself completely swallowed by the excitement and eagerness to get the surgery done and to get my life back! After every appointment, I'd always ask when the next opening was for the next step in the journey, would accept whatever time given to me, and never cancel or reschedule an appointment. No as I get to the final couple of steps, I'm hounding the bariatric department..."What's next?" "When can I see the nurse?" I'm excited, because at that time, I'll get a surgery date. Unfortunately I have to wait about a week to call the nurse to schedule my next visit, but I'm hoping for a surgery date soon. I'm following the 1200 calorie/day preop diet that was given to me, logging my foods, exercising, and moving around. I've spent countless hours reading blogs, forums, and watching youtube videos (cheers to @fighting400, you've been an inspiration). I just know that soon I'll have my life back. I'll be able to ride the rides, zipline, and participate in the treetop adventure courses my family loves so much. To see their smile as I can finally enjoy activities with them is all the reason I need to make this dream a reality. I'm prepared and ready for any obstacle, I will do this.


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Hi Mike,

Any update on a surgery date? I'm so excited for you!

I'm at the stage that you were when you wrote this - nearing the end of my pre-op medical appointments. I have not had one single class or a support group, though. None of that's even been mentioned to me. I'm learning all on my own. It's been difficult, because my surgeon won't give me info on the post-op foods (both short and long-term) until my pre-op visit, 1-2 weeks before the surgery is scheduled. I have no idea what to expect since the doctor's office says that we shouldn't be looking anywhere for info but our doctor. Kind of frustrating.

I loved this line of yours: "I find myself completely swallowed by the excitement and eagerness to get the surgery done and to get my life back!" Same here! "swallowed" is a great explanation of how it feels.

Best of luck to you -


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Hi Kel,

Thanks for the message. I am happy to say that I am officially 8 days post op today! I had the VSG done on 10/16 and had a few issues that kept me in the hospital 2 days longer than expected. Even with that, it’s been an amazing adventure thus far. I’m able to get in my fluids and my proteins each day (still on a full liquid diet until Monday), and am moving around pain free. The incision sites are close to healed and I’m almost back to feeling normal. I’ve lost 12 lbs since surgery day and am learning new things and learning the new me every day.

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Congrats on your attitude and surgery! So glad you're now poised to retake control of your life! I know your family has to be so proud of you! Attaboy!

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