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one month post op



I can't believe it has been a month since my revision surgery.  What a month it has been.  This recovery was so much harder than when I got my lap band.  I lost 9 inches and 26 pounds since my pre op liquid diet.  I got sick 2.5 weeks post op!  OMG that was so horrible!  To have to cough with my stomach still recovering was really bad.  I had a burning sensation over my largest incision that would bring me to tears.  My surgeon told me that the burning was most likely do to a nerve that was caught in a suture and that it would go away once my sutures dissolved, which could take 3 months.  If I couldnt take it he said we could do a nerve block!  ummmm no! Literally the day after that appointment the burning stopped and has never returned!!!!!  I started back in the gym per his  orders.  I was only released to do cardio so i'll do that the first week and slowly add in weight training.  All in all this has been a kinda rough recovery, but I dont regret it!!!

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Good morning Jennifer1,

I am starting my pre-op diet today 5/15 and my sleeve surgery is scheduled for 6/1. I am looking for a "sleeve friend" to travel thru this journey w/ me(do you mind)?

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