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10 Days Post-Op and Still Learning the Ropes



My first blog post. I am 10 days post op and still finding this whole thing bizarre and difficult. The one thing I miss the most nearly every moment of the day is not having to be careful how much water I drink at a time. If you gave me a 20oz bottle of water before surgery, it would be gone within 3 minutes. Seriously. I gulped water like it was my job. I love water. This sip by sip stuff sucks! It's not at all satisfying to me and I just want to drink my whole cup of water in one short sitting. why am I like that? Why didn't I consider changing that habit before surgery? It didn't dawn on me that I wouldn't be able to drink massive amouts of water. I mean, it's just water. I easily drank 150oz+ of water every single day. Since surgery I've been mostly lucky to get 10oz a day. Though since Thursday, I've been really pushing myself and have reached about 24oz a day, probably more.


I'm having lots of trouble with protein, though. Part of it is that I am just not hungry ever. I always feel full. And I've made the mistake of feeling overfull - I do not recommend reaching that point. It left me pacing between my couch and the bathroom, waiting to throw up, which I never did.


It's so hard to get used to drinking.eating so little. I'm so tired and so weak. I know I need calories and protein, but I also don't want to make myself sick in the process.


So that's where I'm at on day 10.


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