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Managing Lunch Breaks at Work

Today is my first day at work on this pre-op diet. Just as a small side note, this is the worst first ever. I am trying so hard not to be a grumpy gills about people eating around me, becuase although everyone knows I am on this diet, I cannot expect anyone to not eat around me just becuase it's hard. I am trying to not be frustrated with those around me, but I'll tell you what, thus far it's been super difficult to not bite everyones head off around me. Silly I know. But even these few days have made me feel so moody. I would kill for a giant burger right now with cheese and bacon! :angry:


Till next time by bariatric buddies...




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Stay strong my friend!! The fact is we all have to be okay with other people eating in front of us. But I totally know what you mean... I feel the same way when my husband is eating whatever and whenever he wants, and here I am practically STARVING myself.. (ok, not exactly starving - but you know what I mean!) Just remember what you're doing this for, to be a better you. :)

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I did my version of the preop diet. I drank my two protein shakes a day but i decreased my one meal that I could eat. You will get through this I did. Even though I did loose weight when I went in for my surgery everything turned out fine for me.

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You can get through this! I laughed out loud when I read how badly you wanted a burger, but then the laughter died and I thought... I WOULD BE PISSED! So now, I am sorry that you want a burger, but be strong and tell that burger off- you have better plans.

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