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talking mountain


At my pre-op visit they made me do an upper GI. I suppose it's because I have a history of GERD. Anyway, that has got to be the nastiest, foulest, weirdest test in the world! It's as bad as a colonoscopy prep!


Other than that, though, it was a pretty unremarkable day. Just a long one!


Today marks my 4th day of the liquid diet.

  • On day 1, I lost it around 5 pm and ate a bunch of cookies.
  • On day 2, I planned well but was not able to execute due to the craziness of the day. I ended up eating a small (by my standards) serving of a healthy bean salad at the potluck. I also took a bite of a delectable dessert and immediately felt nauseous.
  • On day 3, I was hungry and teary and grumpy, but I made it without straying off plan.
  • Today, on day 4, I had to work at the office and there were all kinds of leftovers from last week's potluck in the break room (my office opens onto the break room, unfortunately). Eventually I succumbed to tasting two sweets that looked impossibly good, but fortunately they tasted nasty so I spit the taste-bites out. The urge to eat that junk food is now gone!

I was expecting hunger, but I wasn't expecting to be cold constantly. Wore socks and mittens to bed last night! And I was expecting some fatigue, but I didn't expect to want to sleep nonstop!


Am hoping that I'm "over the hump" and that the remaining days will be easier.


The thought that has been going through my mind a lot these past few days is, "Am I just trading one collection of pills (meds) for another (supplements)?


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I'm not at the pre-op liquid stage yet, but... I could totally see me having these difficulties too. As far as your thoughts regarding pills... what other supplements did they say you had to be on? The only pill I've heard people talk about needing was a vitamin. That doesn't sound too bad (especially since even people who aren't having surgery should be taking them as well). This may mean I have more researching to do if this isn't the case.

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If you are. Bypass patient, you will have to take a multi-vitamin with minerals, iron, calcium citrat, & vitamin d. The difficulty is that iron and calcium need to be separated by several hours.

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