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talking mountain


ince health is my goal and it's easy to get caught up how much weight I am (or am not) losing, I thought it would be a good idea to write down all the health & QOL issues I currently have, even the nitpicky ones. Then, hopefully, I will be able to tick them off as "no longer relevant" as the weight loss progresses!


Health Issues

  • Asthma
  • Allergies & chronic sinus problems.
  • Hypothyroid
  • Hypercholesteremia
  • Hypertension (managed to 140s/80s w/medication)
  • Pre-diabetes. 1 point away from full-blown diabetes.
  • Chronic trochanteric bursitis.
  • Chronic ITB Pain Syndrome.
  • Chronic pain from degenerative disc disease in lower back.
  • Obstructive sleep apnea.


  • Inhalers (preventative & emergency).
  • Allergy medicine.
  • Nasal rinse/topical steroid.
  • Thyroid.
  • Antihypertensive.
  • Antidepressant.
  • Advil most days.

Quality-of-Life Issues

  • Pain when walking (hips/IT band).
  • Pain when standing (lower back).
  • Can't reach my toes directly.
  • Can't reach my backside.
  • Uncomfortable fat rolls on neck, sides, & under belly.
  • Dining rm chair squeezes me uncomfortably.
  • Simple things make me winded.
  • Have started driving from one spot to another to avoid walks I would have enjoyed before.
  • Avoid exertion because it's painful and exhausting.
  • Ashamed at the example I set for kid.
  • Can't see to buckle seat belt.
  • Seat belts lock up on me because I have to pull them out to the maximum.
  • Fatigue & low energy
  • Afraid to do anything fun (jump rope, chase dog, etc) due to exertion & fear of getting injured.
  • Avoid visiting family or seeing old friends.
  • Can't camp out or stay over unless I have my CPAP (snoring).
  • Have never been down the slide w/my kid.


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