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OMG!!!! I am 35!!!

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OOOOOOOOOkay...I have not been here in FOREVER! Working, living, all that crazyness.... So I did find out that my insurance will pay for only $5000 total life time for gastric bypass. We shall see if they will also cover the band. So next month I will start my 3 month monitered diet!. Ha!


When I went to the doctor 2 weeks ago I had lost a total of 25.5 pounds....Sheesh its been a long road the last few months! I am gunna check out Curves. There is one a block from my work, and a few miles from my house.... So that might help jump start something!



I am off to see what all my freakish friends have been up to............... Should be interesting....Ha Ha!

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OOOOOOOOOkay...I have not been here in FOREVER! Working, living, all that crazyness.... So I did find out that my insurance will pay for only $5000 total life time for gastric bypass. We shall see if they will also cover the band. So next month I will start my 3 month monitered diet!. Ha!

When I went to the doctor 2 weeks ago I had lost a total of 25.5 pounds....Sheesh its been a long road the last few months! I am gunna check out Curves. There is one a block from my work, and a few miles from my house.... So that might help jump start something!

I am off to see what all my freakish friends have been up to............... Should be interesting....Ha Ha!

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