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Soda, and some thoughts



Hi y'all! So today was my 2nd weigh in, starting my 2nd month on my supervised diet. I lost....1.5ish pounds. Not a lot, but the doctor's scale added an additional 5 pounds than the one I have at home. I'll average them out. A loss is a loss though. I'm gonna keep trucking. My blood pressure however, according to google (yes, I googled my blood pressure) is pre-hypertension...that's terrifying. One more thing to keep me motivated.


Anyway, before I moved here I was a soda *****. Seriously. Since I've moved I have largely replaced them with crystal light, tea or regular ice water. I do have one if we go out to eat or an occasional one from the store. But not the cups and cups I was having before. Here's my thing, and we're gonna be in woman territory. If you don't suffer from debilitating cramps because the little twit Eve decided to eat the damn fruit, move along. Or scroll down. Anyway, I have always had normal periods, a few cramps a couple of days before signaled that it would start soon. And then the first heavyish flow day I had I got BAD cramps. Like...."Excuse me while I knock back this bottle of freaking advil and curl up in a hot shower/bath in the fetal position wishing for death" bad. I know there are girls out there that had them bad enough to make them vomit to the point of having to go to the ER, and I'm thankful I've never had them THAT bad. Anyway, the red tidal wave started to cast a shadow over me, and I got a cramp, very mild, just enough to let me know it was about to crash down. Then the normal spotting, and finally the flow. And I was ready you guys, I preemptively took pain killers and prepared to be miserable. And then...NOTHING. Minor crampage here and there but really, nothing major. No crying, no wishing for death, no cursing Eve's stupid freaking face. The ONLY major change I've made was the SODA. So, I LOVE soda but you guys, this was the EASIEST month I'd had in like...ever! Screw you soda, SCREW YOU. I thought I'd share in case that little tidbit helps any other woman get out of soul crushing cramps.


I think I am going to move this blog over to my wordpress account, but I haven't come up with an appropriate name yet, when I do I'll post it. :) We haven't found a therapist yet to help me deal with my food addictions, it's a pain in the ass. But I have at minimum of 4 months left. We decided to get all the surgeon's requirements done and try to submit to insurance early, just to see if we could get around the whole diet. I doubt it will work, but the worst thing they could say is no right?


Finally found a dress for the wedding I get to go to in July, of course I have to fly from the east coast to the other side of the damn country, but I'm not complaining because it's my best friend, and I haven't seen her in over a year! :)


Until next time, or when I decide on a new blog name. One foot in front of the other and remember to breathe! Life is a journey, enjoy the scenery!


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