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Ramblings and questions for the known universe



If you have the time, I'd love some of y'alls input on the bolded questions. See, I bolded it so you don't have to read my ramblings, you can just answer the questions. :D


So in an attempt to get on top of the whole insurance requirement list I decided to go ahead and schedule a doctor's appointment here in Wyoming so then I (should) only have 5 months of supervised diet in North Carolina. I decided to do this to 1)speed up the process and 2)if something happens and the insurance company denies me I will have that much more time to appeal. So my appointment is on the 28th, and I listed my reason for it as a physical and to lay out and talk about a diet since I was pursuing weight loss surgery. I have to go sign a release form before then so they can legally get my records from the last doctor. My dad said that since I had already tried the pills with no success to get a doctor sanctioned diet to attempt since those are more favorably looked upon than just me saying I've tried different diets-atkins, fasting, low calorie etc. So, what did you ask your doctor when you started your diet? Did you have them write down the specifics or just say “low calorie” or whatever plan you were on? In fact, what did you ask your doctor to document for you during this stage?


I do have some interesting thoughts about the emotions and ups and downs I've read about all of y'all going through and have a theory. I base it on what I've read about water fasting (no eating, just drinking water). All the good, non-pro ana sites tell you that if you are fasting for more than 3 days then to be supervised by a doctor. Especially when it comes to obese people, from what I understand (and this could be totally false, bear with me) is that fat cells join around the toxins we put into our bodies, sometimes that is why losing the last few pounds is hard, the body doesn't want to intentionally poison itself and if you water fast for longer than a few days you start to lose about a pound a day, this is rapid weight loss and the body can be over run with toxins it can't get rid of fast enough. While I have never detoxed for longer than a few days those that go a couple of weeks or so find they feel like they have the flu, they smell terrible as well as other things. So, if you have weight loss surgery you are losing at the same rate, maybe a little slower/faster than water fasting and all the toxins are being released into the blood stream, making the hormones all wonky and emotions all over the place. While I don't know if this is true, it does make sense to me. Thoughts?


Also, for those wondering, we moved. And it absolutely, without a doubt SUCKED BUTTHOLE. I HATE moving. My knees hurt, my back still hurts, my feet hurt and we aren't even done yet. This weekend was the only time we had the help of some friends so in a couple of horse trailer loads we got all the big stuff into the new house...in one day. Not fun. Okay? Not at all. But we are in our cozy log house, my room is just about the way I like it and while I am very excited about starting a journey towards weight loss surgery I am also very much looking forward to coming back and working the farm. That being said, have any of you had the gastric sleeve and do hard labor? When I come back in a couple of years or so we will have a garden to tend, horses/goats/pigs/possibly a cow to tend to and firewood to haul. I'm curious as to whether you had to up your protein amount, or if you were fine. But that's a long ways away, I'm getting ahead of myself.


Last thing, for those of you that are Christians out there and had the surgery, how was the decision? I am still a tad conflicted that I am telling God that He made a mistake when He made me, and as a result I have to fix His mistake. But I don't want to be a glutton anymore, and I want to have self-control! Sigh. I need answers or input or something. :mellow:


'Till next time you guys! :P:D:lol:B)

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Wow - that's a lot. Let me address the last item. God doesn't make mistakes. You must believe that. He crafted everything in your life, even this very post, to make you a better person. He is shaping & preparing you for what He has for you next. There are several biblical clichés that I could site, but I'll stick to the most basic: God is the 'refiner and purifier' of us - he puts us in the fire, to the highest possible point, so he can refine & purify us. (look up metal smithing - this will probably make more sense then. Also, God promised us that the steps of a righteous (not perfect) man (and or woman) are ordered by the Lord. Have faith in that. Each person who comes in our life - we have something to give/teach/share with them, and they have something to give/share/teach each of us. Ijs...

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