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It feels so good to know that I am not the only person who saw food as my "freind". I am 5 weeks post and struggling horribly with adjusting to my new lifestyle. Sometimes I feel like Im going through a form of with drawal because a familiar part of me is missing. My family can never understand where Im coming from or why I get soo upset when they order out or sit directly in front of me and stuff pizza in their mouths while I sip 1% milk and protein. It gets so bad that I have to leave the room and spray lysol through out my home so that the tempting smells dont drive me absolutely crazy! I mourn my old friend all the time and I have difficulties eating and finding foods that work for me because deep down its not what Im used to.Then when I do find a healthy alternative I enjoy ,I cant enjoy it. I take 3 or 4 bites and Im completely full. any more and im on the verge of sickness. Food has gone from my best friend to that bully I avoid and am now afraid of. I have no clue how to get over this fear or where it even starts to get better. On top of that my fiance is taking to me vegas for our 6th anniversay at the end of this month and I am completely terrified I wont be able to enjoy my trip. I am technically now out of my 15-30 days puree stage but still not sure what foods I am allowed to eat or try or even if Im allowed a glass of wine on my anniversary. It all just scares me.


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I understand where you are coming from. Food was and I think still is a passion of mine. I am 5 weeks out too, and I am confused as what has happened to me. I understand the 3 bites and full syndrome. My clinic told me that 500 to 600 calories a way was not enough. I cannot tell when I am getting hungry, until it is way past the point of no return. So now, I am eating at the 4 hour mark no matter what.

I had a test this past weekend. We were out of town for the day. My husband and friend decided they were starving and we need to go for lunch. Where did they take me you ask...Subway. What the hell, I can't eat bread. I told them let's go and I will figure it out. They did have something I could eat, sort of. I had the flat bread (toasted crisp) with teriyaki chicken and full off veggies. I asked for a fork and knife, and ate the meat and veggies. Wow it was good. I even tried a little of the bread, chewed it well and it went down ok.

Like you I was and am terrified of eating. My old BFF has ditched me. I need to find a new BFF.

Up until last week I was cooking 2 separate full meals. What a chore that is, especially since cooking seems to wear me out. That has now ended!!! If I have to get healthy, so does the family. I assume you have kids...they need to eat the way you do. They will develop healthy eating patterns and hopefully won't have to go through what we are going through now. That pizza, burgers, fries etc has to be the rare treat, not the norm.

As for Vegas...you've got it made. Every restaurant there have and exceptional appetizer menu. Let the old boy order his mega steak, you order the fanciest appetizer on the menu and a side of veggies. We only get a cup of food at each setting, it better be good. Red wine helps our body digest and flush out the food we have eaten. So have a small glass and sip sip sip and enjoy.

This lady has a great website with healthy, fun recipes for the whole family to enjoy.


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Thankyou soo much, and I have a 2 year old daughter and I have already committed myself to cooking healthier for her and myself.. Problem is I have a huge family and we all live in one home and everyone with the exception of my daughter is 18 or older so they all have jobs and they ALL LOVE FOOD!!I come home from work or school and the smell of chineese or Dominos slaps me in the face.. its like torture. I can commend you on your bravery! 5 weeks out and your eating fresh veggies and terriyaki chicken from subway!? just the idea of introducing a sauced product to my pouch sends me back to my steamed fish , jello and lunchables , which btw I am sick of eating!! lol I would love to be able to try a small healthy appitizer in vegas if I wasnt afraid I'd get sick and ruin my whole annivesary weekend lol Now with trying new foods , did your nutritionist give you a list of foods or a timeline because mine did but it stops after the 30 days so when i got to day 30 I hit a wall and panicked

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