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Hernias and things that go BULGE in the night



After this past week, I'm about ready to cry UNCLE!!


So, not only did I have an appointment for the Endoscopy, but I also had to meet with a 'general' surgeon to find out if that HUGE lump to the right of belly button is indeed a hernia or something worse to worry about.


Last year, I had to have a total hysterectomy and due to my rather enlarged Uterus, the 'normal' bikini cut turned into a very long vertical cut that went above my belly button. During the surgery, my Gyno found I had a small Umbilical Hernia which he repaired. Well, of course, After surgery I went and gained 50# (which I am almost positive has been because and made difficult to lose due to hormonal issues, but no one will give me a definitive answer), and blew the repair... and guess what...NOW I ALSO have an Incisional Hernia. The former is 2 inches, the latter, 4 inches. I kid you not! I need to go to church more, I'm so holey (insert snicker... oh, and eye roll) smh!


I didn't realize anything was wrong until last fall when I got bronchitis and had this horrible cough, and I noticed when ever I tightened my tummy there was a VERY large, very scarey lump, but only when the muscles where tightened. So, my PCP sent me to a general surgeon last week how sent me in for a CT Scan, which if you haven't had one with IV Contrast, let me tell you, the contrast, when it hits your system makes you feel like you are peeing your pants. Weird.


Anyway, everything looks good, except for the LARGE HerniaS. The General Surgeon would like me to go forward with the Sleeve, saying that surgery would be safer and more successful should I lose a 'significant' amount of weight, and as a bonus, she can do some 'corrective' skin removal that will aid the stability... blah, blah, blah. UNLESS...unless the fat that is now protruding through the largest one changes to intestine, or the smaller one gets intestines stuck in it and I can't 'manually' reduce it either by myself or by the ER within 6 hours, and I have to have EMERGENCY surgery, in that case, no 'corrective' surgery. But, hey, she says she's worked successfully on ladies larger than me (which, some how, though she was nice and sincere, made me feel like crap.)


So tonight, that side hurts. Kinda sharp, slicing pain when I breath (nothing intolerable and might be constipation or the Chili I've eaten for two days) but, I can find any 'protrusions' when I palpate my stomach, so I'm thinking that that whole stomach area is over sensitized because of all the poking and prodding and attention it has been getting lately. That, and my gastritis is off the hook right now. UGH!! Yeah, that might be the Chili too.


Tomorrow is another day. With it brings a visit to the NUT, the PSYCH (to make sure I'm not a nut) and the CARDIOlogist... Whatever the cute abbreviation is for that, I do not know right now.,


Tomorrow also brings with it the pre-surgery diet, which I should have been doing this past week, and kinda did, but really didn't want to in case it turned out that the hernia was something worse or that the hernias along with all my other maladies would prevent me from having surgery... yeah, I know, I hear the corporate sigh... you can sigh at me all you want, you know my sick brain, cuz yours is to... if it wasn't, we'd all thin and not need such a life changing intervention.


Night y'all!


;) La La Love


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