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First Appointment with my Surgeon



Please forgive me. I really need to get all of this out of my head, however, I'm emotionally exhausted after my appointment today, and this is probably going to be long and rambley. It's more for me, than you anyway, but if it helps you, great!


After a sleepless night, I met with my Surgeon this morning at 9am. A one hour appointment lasted almost 3. They weighed me (350.4 :wacko:), took my height (5'8" :o) and before photos (glad I did my hair and makeup, because I certainly didn't expect that :blush:).


Side note: when I was younger, I had surgery to correct scoliosis; after surgery, I was told I was 5'7 3/4". As an adult, I'm usually told I'm about 5'6", and assumed shrinking. Today, they measured me at 5'8" on the dot. I felt the thingy on the top of my head, lightly, but unlike usual, I really tried to stand up straight (and proud). Though I'm rather dubious about this, I'll stop saying I'm 5'6" and go back to saying I'm 5'7 3/4".


Anyway, about the appointment. A nurse took down all my stats, bp, pulse, temp. I questioned her over my bp and pulse; both were remarkably NORMAL, which couldn't possibly be... I could have sworn my heart was going to beat out of my chest, I was so nervous about the appointment. Then she proceeded to log all the meds and vitamins I had brought in as per their request. The majority of the vitamins I don't take on a consistent basis... maybe if I did I would be healthier. When the nurse was done with me, the surgeon came in.


I'd met her briefly before, at the orientation several weeks before. She shook my hand and sincerely asked why I looked so familiar When I told her I went to the seminar, she remembered me, which was surprising because there were well over 25 people in attendance and I didn't speak with her after as others did, I just thanked her and handed in my application. That simple act put me at ease though. I forget how the simplest acts can often mean the world to others.


She went over my medical history, why I was considering surgery, and we talked about the enigma of obesity and how researchers are getting closer and closer to understanding why some struggle with it and others don't. She says they are right on the cusp. Which is exciting, and nice to meet a doctor who really understands this is more about more than just 'will power', I mean, hell, I'm one of the most stubborn people you'll ever meet, cut my nose despite my face, so I know will power, I have will power... just not always over food. And, I don't know why. It's like a switch.


She examined me, and felt up my liver. I was amazed she could feel through all my chub, but she said she could, and she was impressed it isn't as enlarged as she would expect it to be for my size, and because of that, I don't need to lose as much weight before surgery as she originally thought. She says 20#. I told her I wanted to lose 50# before surgery. She said, "Ok, 25#"! Lol! She also commented because I carry my weight 'all over' (not an apple or a pear) I'm relatively healthy.


I ended up having well over 30 questions, and really thought my surgeon was going to be seriously irritated with me. She was just the opposite, saying she appreciated the questions, they were smart, and being better informed will help me have appropriate expectation. She actually remarked she felt I was intelligent and highly motivated and should do well with the surgery.


We discussed what my weight loss is expected to be. It was a little disappointing. She said, based on their calculations which include height, age, current weight and ?? I am only expected to lose 60-70% of my excess weight at the one year point. That would put me at 220#. She did say she would like to see me below 200# and it would be hard. She also said I should lose 50% of my excess weight in the first 6 month, and after a year, you really don't lose more weight, it becomes about maintaining the weight you've lost. A bit disappointing. I have unrealistic dreams of being 135#. :P Lol!


So what comes next? Well, because my BMI is over 40 and I have co-morbidities (high bp and sleep apnea), my insurance doesn't require I go on the standard 6 month weight loss program prior to surgery, as soon as I get through all my pre-op appointments, lose my 25# and am medically cleared, I can proceed to surgery!!


They gave me a very informative notebook I need to take to all my appointments:

  • Labs
  • Treadmill Stress Test
  • Venous Duplex Test (looks at legs for clots)
  • Mammogram
  • Upper Endoscopy
  • Psychological Evaluation
  • Nutritional Consultation (my ins. doesn't cover seeing the Dietitian beyond this appointment because I am not diabetic)
  • Evaluation/Clearance from my PCP

The Upper Endoscopy will be interesting. I have gerd and if there are any changed to the tissue of my esophagus or if I have a hiatal hernia, they wont do the sleeve. Due to physical issues, I use a LOT of nSAIDs, which with the RnY, you can NEVER take again. :unsure: So it's imperative I get cleared for the sleeve. All I can do is take a deep breath and keep moving forward.




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Thanks! It's an exciting time. I love hearing about everyone else's victories. Makes me feel like my goals are obtainable.

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