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New Scale ... argh!



So, here I was, thinking I've been rocking things lately ... and to celebrate my success I bought a new digital scale. Awesome, right?!


WRONG!!! My old and awesome scale said I was 180 lbs. My new and horrible scale says I am 185.


I think the bigger problem here is that five pounds absolutely devastated me. It made me feel so defeated. I'm the same person, and I weigh what I weigh, no matter what a scale says. I feel like my moods are reflecting what a scale says. And how lame is that?!?! Maybe I'll try the 'only weigh once a week' type thing so I don't get overly crazy. But that would be hard for me. Maybe that can be something I work towards.


Here's an update on my therapy session about food addiction: She said I shouldn't overeat, but not to worry about it because it's just part of our society. Okay, thank you 6 feet tall, 110 pound therapist. I can't wait to see you again.


My plan B? Books from the library. I'll update when I find a good one!

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oh yeah, I'd get another therapist ASAP. please please please try to ignore the scale. you did not gain five pounds...the calibration is different for any scale you get on. you must remember you are not a number but a person. are you having nsv's? I bet you are. are your clothes fitting better or are you wearing smaller sizes? I bet you are. do you have more energy/less pain? I bet you are. focus on those goals and forget about the damn scale. hang in there!! I started seeing a therapist because of all the changes I've gone through this year. she has a band and understands wls and food issues so I think we'll work well together.

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