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8 Days Left! HELP! Still Addicted to Diet Coke!

"Hi! My name is Lynn B and I am a Diet Coke-aholic!"


They say that the first step to overcoming an addiction is to admit that you have an addiction? Well, I am addicted!! A full fledged addiction. I'm an addict!



I absolutely LOVE the feeling of the sweet taste complimented by the extra ordinary fizzy bubbles, which go through the body... the feeling of the fizz rushing throughout me, is a high in itself. I'm in heaven.


It all started years ago when with just 1 can of Diet Coke. Ironically, I disliked the taste and the fizz. But, it was a 0 calorie drink - a way to lose weight. (It worked - for a while.)


One can grew to approximately 1-2 cases a day of 12 oz cans. I admit, It's horrible, but at that time the taste grew on me with each pound that I lost.


I quickly graduated to the "hard stuff" ... the 20 oz icy cold bottle of pure fizz! One sip is so exhilarating - only the bottle can give you this immediate rush! That first sip the fizz is so extreme, I can feel it coursing throughout my whole body. I love the feeling and, cant do without.


I can identify with an alcoholic or drug addict... I am a trans.gifDiet "Coke" addict!!!


I admit it, I carry my 20 oz bottle with me everywhere I go. I even carry it in my pocketbook for a quick fix! No matter where I am I have access to my 20 oz bottle... And when I run low, I rush to the nearest store for more.


My surgery is in less than 8 days... Yes... E-I-G-H-T Days!!!

I've actually weaned myself down to only one 20 oz bottle a day. I actually thought this was such an accomplishment! But, the reality... I'm sweating with fear! I'm in panic!


My gastric-by-pass new "tummy" will not tolerate this drug of choice. I will hurl over in severe pain with just a little tiny sip of fizz...


I will have to go "Cold Turkey"! HOW!?? And, then comes the withdrawal. How will I survive?! How do I get through this?


I need help! I need suggestions! I have to do this! Where is "DCA" (Diet Coke Anonomous) when you need it most? Help me!


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Omg....your story is my story except my drug of choice is diet pepsi....1st thing in the morning, last thing at nite and everywhere I go!! I have weaned down to one 24 oz bottle of regular diet in the morn. But drink caffiene free all day.. I also love the fizz and the taste mmmmmmm . No matter whate I have tried, doesn't do it for me...sigh.... if u find a cola anonomous, let me know I need it too....:(

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I keep a open can in the fridge and wait for it to go flat.. I take a few sips throughout the day. I also was addicted to Diet Dr. Pepper before surgery. You will be surprised how you will not want something if it hurts your pouch. Good Luck

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By the time you are on the pre-op no anything prior to surgery, then you are recovering from surgery and won't want to get up to get it you will probably be without and over your "detox". When you are worrying about how much protein and fluid you can force yourself to have for the first few weeks you may find you don't have time to worry about it. Plus if you can't tolerate it after ....believe me you will KNOW...you will lose the urge for it once you "think you are going to die from the one sip"....No ice cream for me for 7 months! Tried twice, after one bite nausea, dizzy, hot flash, tummy ache. Hope this helps. I am 8 months out and can now have about 5 bites of ice cream. You will learn to re-treat yourself with healthier options or feel like crap.

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You will be able to do this. I too was a diet coke addict and a coffee fanatic. One day prior to surgery I just decided to give myself a deadline to stop it all together. I drank to my hearts desire and then when the deadline came I quit cold turkey. This surgery is something that I really wanted to have and I realize that soda and coffee were not going to do my pouch any good so I made the decision. I will admit that there were other things that I was addicted to prior to surgery that I never gave up but I can imagine that with me being on full liquids, then puree, and as I start gradually trying new foods I will develop better eating habits.

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I absolutely love an ice cold mountain dew...will miss them!! but surprising doing well with controlling the urges of old thinking....think of it like this... that diet coke doesn't feel nearly as good as your body shrinking down and fitting in those beautiful clothes...great motivation...I also was a serious coffee drinker prior to surgery, and only at the decaf stage, but cant don't even like the taste anymore.. it's soooo weird... :)

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This idea will not provide fizz, but may satisfy your taste craving. I got an electric ice shaving machine (to make snow cones). You can use diet cola flavoring to give the cola taste to a snow cone. Bed Bath & Beyond sells bottles of flavors for use in their 'instant soda' machines. I bought the diet cola flavor for my snow cones.

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