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My story

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Hey Everyone, My name is Christina Marie and I am 20 years old. I have struggled with my weight all my life, I was a chubby little baby and well, that baby fat never seemed to go away. My doctors always told my mother that I was overweight and needed to lose weight, but unfortunately some habits couldn't be broken.



My brother and I ate very unhealthy growing up, our mother was a single mother with 2 kids working a full time job as a nurse and picking up extra hours on the side. We ate meals that were quick and easy- pizza, tacos, spaghetti, cheeseburgers, mac and cheese, fast food, takeout, junk food...you name it. I loved anything and everything with sugar and carbs and was not the athletic type. I wasn't interested in sports, and didn't have very many friends. Always moved a lot and in school I was always being made fun of for being overweight. Needless to say, I spent a lot of time in front of the T.V playing video games...and then eventually the computer. I had friends and cousins my own age, we did go out and do things...ride bikes, roller blade, swim, dig holes in the backyard and play with worms...you know, normal kid stuff... But, more often than not I was indoors with my Sega, Playstation , or art supplies.



When I was about 7 or 8 years old I weighed 175 lbs, and that is the smallest I remember being. As I got older, I just gained more and more weight. My weight loss journey started when I was In high school. I tried various diets, joined a gym... that didn't work. I started going to L.A weight loss center when I was about 15 years old. My weight at the time was maybe around 245lbs. I got weighed, did the detox drink, went on the crazy diet. Starved, complained, went for walks. A couple months later, I went down to my lowest weight. That was about 219 lbs. As exciting as that was, I couldn't afford to go there anymore, and I was very hungry. I stopped going and joined a gym. I ended up gaining everything back. I was told what to do and how to do it, but those workouts didn't work for me. I started seeing a nutritionist when I was about 16 almost 17 years old. She told me what to eat, how to eat, what to cut out of my diet. She told me to never drink juice and that juice was where I was getting all my calories from. I cut out juice and did lose a little bit of weight. Not much. At 18 years old she recommended that I go to a weight loss center in Boston,MA. It was easy to get too, it was one train ride away.





At this point I was at my highest weight. 287 lbs! I went to all my appointments, did everything they told me to do in hopes of getting gastric bypass surgery. All the staff members were telling me they wanted me to get the surgery, but wanted to see if I could lose the weight myself. They gave me a time frame to lose weight and see where things went. 6 months. I did everything they wanted me too and 6 months later they wanted me to wait another 6 months. I was losing weight doing what they said, preparing for surgery. I walked a lot, ate less, made better food choices. I was graduating from a vocational college and was walking to and from work. Taking trains into Boston and walking to Hospitals for internships, walking to bus stops and stores (who needs a car when you live 5-10 minutes away from Boston?) And even once I graduated, I walked to and from work, to busses and trains. I got an apprenticeship at a tattoo shop, and I walked there. Sometimes I would walk for hours straight... I got down to 239 lbs. I went in for an apt after my 6 months was up, and they wanted me to wait another 6 months! That was it for me. I left and never went back. Then, the guys at the tattoo shop convinced me not to go for the surgery. They tried to play "personal trainer" and help me lose weight. Well, I maintained weight. That was at least something.


I eventually left that shop to do something else in my life. At 19 years old, I moved in with a friend of mine in Rhode Island, we ended up falling in love and I got a little comfortable. I tried to maintain weight, but when your with a man who loved you for you- that can be a challenge. We worked weird hours, so more often than not we stayed home and watched movies. We ordered food- and worse! We ordered huge ice cream sundays and pigged out on junk food all the time. I wasn't gaining anything, I didn't think anything of it. Oh well, a year goes by and my weight went up and up all the way to 250. This worried me, so him and I started dieting and going to the gym 6 days a week. I was doing his work outs, drinking the same protein he drank...I went down to 240, then up 5 lbs down 2 up 10. Eventually I decided that I was going to try and get the surgery again. I went to an information seminar in Boston and then weeks later met with a surgeon in at another facility. After speaking with the dietitian, psychiatrist and surgeon...it was a no go. She didn't want to do the surgery on someone my age who didn't have any children yet.




I gave up, I figured that if I was supposed to get the surgery I would have been accepted. I tried to do it on my own again, then suddenly I wasn't able to do the workouts I was doing. I was always in pain, I've been that way forever. Back pain, hip pain, joint pain, leg cramps, knees giving out, ankles giving out, swelling- you name it. I couldn't even get a back massage without it hurting.


When I was a baby, the doctor told my mother I would never be able to walk. He also said I wouldn't be able to talk either. When my mother was in labor, I got stuck and I aspirated amniotic fluid. I had no oxygen when I finally came out and I had Desipramine Toxicity.I passed away 3 times. The doctors didn't think I was going to make it, they sent for a priest and when he baptized me in the hospital- my mom freaked out. She had a fit and demanded I be sent to Children's Hospital. 3 months later my mother got to take me home and they said that I wouldn't have a normal life. They said I was lucky that I wasn't in a vegetative state, and that I probably wouldn't ever walk or talk. Boy were they wrong, I was such a loud mouthed little kid haha. On my first birthday I got a pair of Stride Rite shoes and off I went. Walking on coffee tables and tip-toeing around the house. I've always had problems with my legs, waking up screaming at night because of cramps...sever's syndrome, tight heel cords, flat feet... I walked on my toes a lot and my mom had to do a lot of leg exercises... but- I could walk! and a couple years of speech therapy and I could talk just fine.



ANYWAYS, that has a lot to do with why I wasn't very active. It was painful. At 20 years old I got a lot of tests done to figure out why I am always In pain these days. Why it hurts to be touched on certain parts of my back and why my knees hurt and ankles.... soo many tests. I tested positive for Lyme's Disease, took care of that. Problem was still there. Everything else got ruled out, so my Dr. thinks that I have Fibromyalgia. He suggested that I get the surgery to lose weight and see if that relieves my lower back/hip/knee/ankle pain. He told me I should go to Dr. Ameri at Winchester Hospital, and so I did. Went to 2 information seminars and here I am.


I will be getting my surgery on May 20th, 2013! I was 267lbs when I first saw him, now a month and or two later and now having been on the liquid diet for almost 2 weeks I am down to 256lbs! I set my goal to be 165lbs because I don't want to set an unattainable goal and let myself down haha. I figured at 5'3'' reaching that goal shouldn't be difficult considering that would still be overweight for me. Honestly though, i'll be happy at 200! I'm excited to see where this road takes me. It's been difficult, but I'm sure it will be worth it!

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I'm doing well, definitely feeling better! 1 week post op, things are getting easier!thank you!

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