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A few Days Post Op



Geesh, I am just a few days Post Op and this liquid diet is very hard. I am having a battle with my mind. I want to eat something but I am not hungry. I hope this feeling goes away soon. I am able to walk around but still have alot of tightness in my stomach. I must say my energy level is still not where I would like it to be but I guess that is from not having much protein. I take two chewable vitamins a day. I try to stay away from the pain medicine because it makes me very drowsy. I will be updating thisblog throughout the week. I hope to connect with people for encouragement and just overall feedback. Thanks for reading


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awwww don't stress. I struggled with the third week onwards. My head was telling me pasta /toast/chicken but my stomach didn't like it at all. I get the feeling of food is stuck and get pain in my back (shoulder height.) So it pays to bide your time though it is annoying. The only thing I can say is liquidise what you want to eat that's the only way in the early weeks. I am now on my 6th week

this weds and went to a 70th party last night and ate two pieces of quiche (hardly any pastry) about two chips and a few nibbles off a chicken nugget and I instantly knew it was no good. The only thing I can eat easily now is Shepherds/Cottage pie any supermarket small one and Ready Brek/Quaver crisps.

At the end of the day the weight loss is all worth it. I have lost 2st 5lbs. Hang in there. If you go on amazon there are cook books there which might help.

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I haven't had my bypass yet, I'm concerned because I have 4 kids ages 15 13 11 and 8. They are great but are in tons of sports aka driving all over! I also have my own day care business. I have 4 young children 2and a half and younger. I have an assistant, but how long should I hire help? I also have a great husband who is really good with our children and the house.

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I am on my second week. My advice... Forget anything that isn't liquefied! Although I am not craving breads and such... I miss food when I smell it. I absolutely hate the protein shakes but I am sticking to the course as this is what I signed up for. So I am saying lots of prayers. It is paying off... already 15 pounds down. You're energy will gradually come back. Don't drive or take on your job full time until the doc says so. I made that mistake and I am exhausted because I went back to teaching part time this week. Don't go over board and eat to much too soon... nope that's not how it works... stick to the couple of tablespoons of food at a time. Eat with a baby spoon... it actually helps! good luck

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I am 2 days out from surgery I go home today this is by no means easy but I can do this. I have come too far not to nail this.

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Have to get this water in me slowly is not easy. I have got to crush and take medication (A lot of it) . I got to figure out how to get it done because its all important for my health and I don't want complications. Feel boated and full. Finally got to use the bathroom last night. Worried about the pouch being too full and getting dehydrated. I don't want to end up in hospital

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