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one week gone

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One week gone....Im feeling really good, still have a little pain but starting to feel a bit hungry now. I know now why I have had this done ..I want to be healthy and fit and not to be fat anymore. hard to believe I was once 180kgs and being on optifast I then got down to 160 kgs. Dont know what I am now Im just excited to see the new me happening. After all my years of growing up with eating disorders and years of counselling I can honestly say for the first time in my life I am not worried about food and my weight. I know now I am on the right path for happiness...ohh I am happy with my life..Darren and the kids are great I love them with all my heart. I mean happy to go out in public and to socialise with out worrying what people are going to say. To hell with them...:nervous

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One week gone....Im feeling really good, still have a little pain but starting to feel a bit hungry now. I know now why I have had this done ..I want to be healthy and fit and not to be fat anymore. hard to believe I was once 180kgs and being on optifast I then got down to 160 kgs. Dont know what I am now Im just excited to see the new me happening. After all my years of growing up with eating disorders and years of counselling I can honestly say for the first time in my life I am not worried about food and my weight. I know now I am on the right path for happiness...ohh I am happy with my life..Darren and the kids are great I love them with all my heart. I mean happy to go out in public and to socialise with out worrying what people are going to say. To hell with them...:nervous

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