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Insurance, self pay, and in-laws, Oh my!



I started out on this journey very nievely. I assumed if I did everything my Insurance company told me to do, that they would grant me this surgery like a fairy godmother, giving me a new life with a smile in thier face. Unfortunately this is rarely the case, and reality is not as clean cut, or sparkly. I went to my seminar and was chatting up the surgeons PA. She told me that of the 5000+ surgerys that she has been a part of she has only once seen my insurance company pay out. Nice. In other words my chances of getting this approved are 1 in 5000. My fairy bubble was violently popped.


I decided that I didn't want to wait 6 months to be told no, so the next step was self pay. Sure, if I had any money it would be no problem. I had a little in savings but no where near what I needed. I decided to go to the bank and talk it over with a loan officer. He told me my best bet would be to refinance a current loan and it would make my monthly payments just a few dollars more a month. Woot! A fly by fairy dropped some glitter on me!


And then the I got the glitter in my eye. The land I was refinancing was cosigned with my grandma in-law, (we were very young when we got the loan). I am so covered in red tape I cant breath already and now I have to go get a quick claim deed, change over an abstract, and get everything noterized, or I could tell my gma in-law what I needed the money for and humbly beg for a signature. I was told that an abstract update could take up to six weeks, and its harder to get three people together to sign a deed in front of a notary than you'd think, and on top of this I have no idea how much it will cost to file or how lond it will take to process. Even without insurance, I cry for my plight.


I decided to talk to my gma in law just to expidite this little venture, only to find that she thinks I'm making a rash deision, one that she is very against. Yay! So as of today I am completely up in the air. It is frustrating not knowing if I will get to use the collateral that I have been paying on for five years. I made my case with the gma in-law and hopefully there will a decision in the near future. I will keep you updated!


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I'm so sorry this is getting so complicated for you! But even if it weren't for needing $ for the surgery, it would be great to get gma in law's name off the loan; I know but what a hassle. I have bought and sold three properties in the last three years and I think I must be crazy. Hang in there!

Just FYI, I had to do self-pay and go to MX as my insurance would not approve me for any WLS and it was the best thing I ever did; great surgeon, awesome care. Best of luck!

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Thanks for the comments everyone! I don't care to work for it and pay on it, I would just prefer to be loosing weight as I pay! She told me that it She thought I sould go to a weight loss clinic, (Basicly a fat camp). I can't be away from my kiddo that long. Ugh, it just feel like I'll never get there.

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