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Mad at the world....

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I woke up today in such a bad mood. I have no idea why but I am super cranky. No good reason to be really. In fact, I should be pretty happy. I have hope for my future, something I haven't had in a long time. Yet my mood is crummy. Before I went to bed last night I started my new journal. Maybe the feelings I was writing about churned up and caused my poopy mood. Or maybe it is a stage, part of the process. When someone dies there are stages of grief. While this process is not to be compared with someone dying, it is almost as dramatic and life changing. Maybe part of letting go of my old life and way of thinking is going to cause all kinds of mixed emotions. I guess this is what we cover in the psych evaluation, I'm getting ahead of myself! LOL I will say the longer the morning goes the more I feel the emotions leveling out. Crazy head playing games with me. I do sort of feel today truly starts my new journey, my new life. I am committing myself over to change, what has to be. I cleaned my kitchen shelves and fridge last night in preparation. Sort of symbolic I supposed, a cleansing to get rid of the old and bad ways. I tossed or gave away foods I would not or could not eat in my new life. My struggle will be my daughter. She is only four and is very fit and healthy. I have worked hard to make sure she maintains a good weight so that she doesn't have to struggle as I do. While eating healthy will benefit her, I cannot deprive her of every last thing she enjoys just so I am not tempted. It is going to be a fine line. Anyway, my new (forever) way of eating starts today. I did the whole "before" pictures this morning.. Have to say- YUCK! I think it will be a bit easier post op to eat this way as I will physically not be able to eat much. If I fill the space with what I have to, then there won't be room for junk. Right now there is WAY too much room and I know it will become difficult. But I can and will do this. No other options, no backing out. My body is near a breaking point and I have to change now. I have been having a great deal of pain in my leg the past week. Last night it was so horrible I could barely walk. I am crippling myself with all this fat and I cannot do that anymore. So time to have a good cry, yell into a pillow, then put on my big girl pants and suck it up!!!!

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I agree with the stages of grief, we are losing what was comfortable to us for years!!! I am on pre-op now and trying my damndest to stay on track. My head keeps getting in the way!!! Ugh, in the middle of the day I will have flashes of food that I love and I feel my body react in a happy way toward it! Shows me how addicted I am to it. Really kind of scary, I have never dealt with this before on all of my other diets. All we can do is live moment to moment, and try to find something that makes us happy(besides food)!!!

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Good Post! I am just starting the process and I am having the same feelings. I am so worried I am going to let my head over rule everything else and it won't work but maybe together we can stay strong and help each other thru this difficult time. Do you have a surgery date?

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Nope, no date yet. Just working towards the goal. As far as thoughts popping in your head...Happens to me too. My very first thoughts, once I decided to go for the WLS, was of all the foods I have to give up. In a way I got past that when I decided on the sleeve. It seems to be the least restrictive of what types of food you can eat. So that then puts the burden on me to have will power. My game plan is to eat the "good" food first. If I fill up on what I have to eat, I won't have room left for junk. Or at least I am betting on that...Right now it is totally mind over matter though. I guess part of me is mad that I have to do this. It isn't fair. But life isn't fair I suppose. I have this body. It is the hand I was dealt. So I need to play the best game I can. So far I have done a horrible job. I let the weight win. But luck is about to change and I am taking control. I have already had some images and thoughts of food. I just remind myself what that food has done to me. Maybe I will carry my "before" picture with me to look at in those moments of weakness. Remind myself exactly what my so called "friend" food did to me! I think the mental battle will be hardest. I have to retrain my brain. For 43 years food has served all kinds of purposes, but usually not for life. I lived to eat, not eat to live. Now I am trying to see food as a fuel source and nothing more. It is not for comfort. It is not for enjoyment. It is not cause for celebration. The fact is I cannot have that relationship with food again. As unfair as it seems to me right this moment, it is what it is.

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I totally understand. I am 2 weeks post op and must admit it's starting to get to me. After 30 years of eating what I wanted, eating it whenever I wanted it and however much of it I wanted and now not being able to do that is definitely mentally draining....that's putting it mildly. I definitely agree with the "mind over matter" statements. Just try to stay positive. I think that doing little tricks like carrying around your "before" picture will be helpful....whatever it takes, I have been trying on clothes in my closet that I haven't been able to wear in over a year or clothes that were tight but are now fitting just right. I've been enjoying the hell outta of that. So whatever does the trick. I'm also trying not to beat myself up for my "failures" in the past. The fact that we have even made the decision is a sign of self love moving towards a better you. It will all be for the greater good. Feel better!

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