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Punk'd by Mothra or How a Butterfly Made Me His Bhatch



blogs/blog-0819604001370111906.jpgOk, the good news. I graduated from walking indoors to walking outdoors. Now the bad news. Monarch butterflies are bullies!


I've finally gotten enough endurance and stamina to start walking outdoors. I still don't like exercising, but I do like the effects. And I just can't make myself use either my recumbent bike or treadmill - they're just too boring. And besides, the computer is just 10 feet away the whole time, pouting from lack of attention. Did I mention that my Dell is an attention wh*re?


So I have to get outside to walk. I have a state park just a few miles away and there are some nice nature trails that are about 1 mile in length.


I've only been out there with my best friend. That way, if we run into a bear or wolf, I don't have to outrun the critter, I only have to outrun my friend!


But this week, my friend is out of state, visiting his sister in Ohio. So it was questionable if I was going to motivate myself to get out and walk today at the park. But I mustered up the energy and drove out to the park.


So here we go. I got my bright yellow shirt, the $5 forest green cap that I picked up in Alaska (is says, "If you ain't the lead dog, the scenery never changes!") and shades. Oh goodie, I look like a guy cruising the park looking for other guys - that has been known to happen at this park.


Luckily for me the park was almost deserted and even better, no one was on the trails. So I started my normal route. Around the lake, skirt the canal and head back to the car through the flat areas.


There are some ups and down areas that I think help strengthen my legs and ankles, but not so steep as to cause me pain, or worse, hurtle down hill out of control! Going uphill is no problem. I just don't do down's very well. I'm not good at getting down, boogieing down or going down hill.


Anyway, back to my story. I was minding my own business, walking the trail, hugging the shade, and lost in my own thoughts when suddenly a black shape swoops out of the woods. Mere inches from my left arm.


And I did what any manly man would do. I flinched and started windmilling my arms (oops, I meant to say, "used my master karate skills"), to swat away whatever that deadly critter was - to keep it's venomous fangs away from my throat!


A lifetime later (or about 3 seconds in real time), I realized it was just a huge Monarch butterfly fluttering by. He casually fluttered across the trail and back into the woods. But I swear, this was no ordinary butterfly. I think it was a Pimp butterfly, cause he fluttered with a limp and was very colorful, like a pimp, and had an attitude. I swear I heard him say, "Punk ass bit*h!" as he fluttered back into the woods.


I'm sure he told all his butterfly friends about how he - a 1 ounce butterfly - scared a 280 pound man and made him flinch. I guess I'm lucky he didn't give me two punches for flinching or have a smart phone to capture a video of whole thing. Otherwise, I might be on Youtube ring now, going viral.


P.S. The good news is: I managed to walk just over 2 miles AND, as a bonus, got in a killer arm workout. But I fear the psychological scars may never heal.


Keep Pimpin that Sleeve!


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Ha! Thanks for the hilarious story ;) Congrats on your 2+ miles...and for not letting that butterfly defeat you!

Thanks, I refuse to be intimidated by a butterfly! Do you think pepper spray would work on a butterfly? :-P

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Have any more outings planned? Don't forget to tell us the story. I so enjoy your stories!!!

Most definitely! I'll be getting out and about as my feet allow. I've been cooped up in the house for the past 4 years. I'm ready to get out and live a little.

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I was chased by a cicada! Those things are as big as birds!

Lol, that made me smile.

I've never been chased by a cicada, but I have been a landing strip for the dreaded "love bugs". :-)

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