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I Don’t Have To Finish My Plate or How I’m Fighting With Old Habits



blogs/blog-0720718001368489176.jpgFor the past few weeks or so, I have been trying to get my protein from solid pieces of food like chicken or pork loin. Up until now, I’ve been eating ground chicken or ground turkey – meats that were partially broken down by the grinding process. But now that I’ve switched to whole pieces, the switch brings up new issues.


When I was eating the ground meat plus vegetables, it was all mixed up like a casserole and keeping track of portions was as easy as spooning some into my half cup container. No muss no fuss no leftovers. Now it’s more difficult to judge just how much I can eat at one meal and I often wind up with a few bites leftover.


Enter the problem. I’m a kid of the “clean your plate club.” I was always encouraged to clean my plate (I think I got a merit badge, I was so gifted) and now that old habit is coming back to haunt me. Even when Frankensleeve (Yes, I named him!) is telling me I’m full and if I eat any more, he’s going to put the stomach in reverse gear, I still feel compelled to eat the last two or three bites.


Frankie: "Hey were full up down here, turn off the chewing machine."

Me: "But I still have 2 bites of meat left."

Frankie: "Okay guys, send up a burp as a warning."

Me: Burp. "Oooh, that one feels like it squeezed past some food to get out. But I'll go ahead and eat those last 2 bites."

Frankie: "Okay guys, put it in reverse!"

Me: "Uh oh."


Now, I am training myself to put the fork down and walk away. I really want this compulsion out of my life. It’s like having to go through the first few weeks post-surgery all over again. Learning when to stop and not take just one more bite – especially when it’s something extra yummy! Frankie and I will just have to build a new relationship I guess.


P.S. Frankie really doesn't like freshly dug, boiled new potatoes!


Leave me a comment and let us know what issues you struggle with. It helps everyone to know they aren't alone.


Keep Pimpin that sleeve!


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LOVE IT! I love your humor! <3

I too weigh my food, but that is mainly out of habit since I have a Type 1 diabetic child. Maybe you can potion out your food in oz. I mean it will take some getting used to and soon you should be able to "eyeball" it. This "eyeball" method took me some time to master and sometimes I still am wrong when I double check on the scale.

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I did this very thing last night. That was the first time since surgery that I even came close to getting sick. (I'm 7 weeks out) I had this really uncomfortable, almost painful feeling along with EXTREME nausea for about 10 minutes. I even went in the bathroom just to be on the safe side. After a few minutes in there I had about 5 really intense hiccups and then they stopped and the feeling slowly started to ease. I'm gonna do my best to never do that again. I don't like throwing up and I like being nauseated even less. I'll have to apologize to the starving children across the globe for throwing away a few bites with most meals. I have tried to watch how "skinny" people eat, and almost all of them don't clean their plates. I'm having to break this in myself. We have already started teaching our son to make a "happy plate" and I feel guilty about giving him bad habits already. I'm going to have to stop it now and not wait until he is over weight. Thank the Lord he has gotten his physique from his daddy, thin!

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yep, a lot (if not most) of us were raised to clean our plates. Wasting food is sinful even! My husband's family were very poor when he was growing up and you ate what you could when you could and as much as you could. Now that we're not poor well... it's really pretty dangerous to have that mindset. My family wasn't as bad off but my mother's family was so "wasting food" was a terrible thing to do.

I managed to break that cycle with my own children and grandchildren - they have to taste something new and eat a reasonable portion of their meal (I have had several try the "ok, I'm done. What's for dessert?" trick). Serving up appropriate sized portions takes practice too.

Being more than a year out, I don't have trouble gauging my portions nor do I have trouble throwing food away. It takes practice (hey, we get to practice several times a day!) and conscious eating.

I used to clean off OTHER people's plates too. Then one day I realized the truth that I am NOT a gabage pail. Sounds silly, but that is exactly how I was treating myself.

Keep at it!

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i feel the same... leaving those last few bites on a plate really cause me physical pain, i dunno i guess old habits really die hard

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Love your humor...thanks for sharing. I am a little more than four months out. I was very worried about eating out. A lot of our socializing is over eating out and I worried about measuring food out in public and in front of others....blah, blah, blah. I have learned that by following the eat slow, chew long and time myself.....I can still do my portion control. If I eat over twenty minutes.....I am full and I stop. I have learned by experience (yuk) that I have to stop at that twenty minutes or else. Good luck!

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