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The truth

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In the beginning of Aprill I stopped smoking but started chewing the nicotine gum.I did fantastic while on the gum with not smoking.


But the gum gave me extremely severe gastritis.I started refluxing like crazy and had to stop using the gum.Now this is where my challenge started.One must never ever underestimate the power of an addiction.I have gained 6 pounds in the last month.Yes,boys and girls,all of the buffer weight I allow myself is gone,just like that.


What is worse I am eating like I have never had the sleeve.Dont ask me how.I just can.I am never uncomfortable.Never feel like I over eat.I think I just pace myself very nicely and keep eating all day long.



My very worried friend brought me the number of a therapist who works with eating disorders and I am going to go and see her.It feels like before the sleeve when I just couldnt stop.I even eat chocolate,which doesnt taste particularly nice to me.BUT I HAVENT HAD ANY NICOTINE (since stopping the gum) in 4 days now.I ama super b***h,have fired my lazy housekeeper,put my kid on a bus instead of a taxi (she refuses to keep a budget) and gave the little one a permanent tv ban during the week.Everyone hates me but feeling like a maniac at least makes me a little more assertive than usual.


But this is sooooo hard.I have a huge oral fixation.My life feels empty and sad when Im not able to get a high from something I stuff into my mouth,all the time.Thank goodness I sorted the alcohol thing out with myself as this would have been the perfect crutch now if I didnt make the choice to never drink to much or too often.


Anyhow,this is to warn people.Get into that healthy life style.Exercise.See the shrink,deal with your issues or they will deal with you,like mine are now.


I am back on my chicken and am not gaining weight anymore.The evenings are just still a challenge as this is when I want to really smoke.I also need to turf this chocolate ganash that I have in the fridge and I will be ok.


My aim is to lose this weight in 2 weeks but I will tell this blog when the 2 weeks starts.My imediate goal is to just get over the smoke thing and stay quit.Boy I sometimes just want to say whatever and have a smoke but I know is is just practicing saying no to myself.Something I am not very good at and the reason I got so fat in the first place.


So,no!I will not gain more.No,I will not smoke again!No,I will not eat that chocolate (well,maybe a little...lol.)

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No doubt, it's very difficult. Smoking, food or alcohol act the same--they make us weaker in the end. Think beyond the moment at hand and imagine what you will feel like if you don't give in to the temptation....possibly how will you feel if you do give in to the temptation? Know that you are stronger than any temptation. Harder said than done....but possible.

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My heart aches for you. Nicotine addiction is stronger than heroin, I've been told. Damn those cigarette companies! Please see your therapist AND your GP. Its their job to give you the resources you need to beat this.

Would it help if you think of the "voice of temptation" as a different person? I'm figuring the mean nasty person you described is only born out of that addiction - and not you at all. So, maybe if you mentally separate the two, it will give the REAL you a little more strength to fight the battle with "her." And, your family may find it easier to take, if there is a humorous reference to that other person. "That's not Mom who just bit my head off. That was ---. She won't be here very long."

I'm asking God to give you strength to overcome that evil woman terrorizing you right now. And, I applaud you for coming here to ask for help, too. Blogging how you feel daily may be a good tool, too.


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When I had HORRIBLE PMS in my 30's, my family would say, "the Beast is back." It made it easier for my family to offer forgiveness to me, too. :). Thanks for the advice you shared here, too.

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Addiction is awful. My alcoholic parents quit that, then quit smoking when my mother had cancer. I admired them so much for overcoming that.

Sometimes medication can help with addiction, so hopefully if the therapist sees you maybe that would help restrain the beast.

Know that this beast is NOT the true you.

You could try naming the 'beast', as Squeeky mentioned, sometimes separating out that part of you could help you and your family.

Remembering you in my thoughts.

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