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I start my 2 week liquid pre-op diet on Thursday. I'm going to sort of ease myself into the liquid diet starting today. I had a strawberry body fortress shake instead of eggs and meatless sausage for breakfast. (I made mine with unsweetened almond milk and a splash of vanilla creamer - the creamer makes it SO MUCH BETTER), I'm having yogurt and maybe a cheese stick for lunch. And I have some Gardein Turk'y that I'll have for dinner with some asparagus. Then a shake if I'm hungry later.


Since I started my journey, I have been focused on what I had to do to get approved for surgery, not what I had to do to get prepared for surgery. Some of these things go hand in hand - like changing your eating habits, losing a bit of weight, increasing exercise - but I have definitely not focused much on the emotional journey I'm about to go on. I've been more focused on the physical journey and the financial one.


As a result, I had the tiniest of meltdowns at Walmart last night. I was doing "post op prep shopping" and it was like everything I picked up led me to unpleasant thoughts about what I'll be dealing with in just a matter of weeks. It started when I was at home and went online to make purchases from various sites for vitamins, supplements, protein powders, storage containers, etc. I mean, I spent nearly $200 right there simply because I'm definitely a sucker for "buy more, save more" specials. Even though I had a pretty long list going into the store, something about seeing these things pile up was just... overwhelming for about 22 seconds. I spend a good 45 minutes in the "Health" area - picking out gauze, tape, bandaids, ointment, lotions and a lot of other things like Milk of Magnesia, liquid Imodium, fiber gummies, Gas-X strips... just so much stuff. Just in case kinda stuff that I've seen over and over again in these forums that people need. And it's taking me a long time to get these things because I don't use any of these things now. I have a first aid kit that barely gets used... I don't currently get constipated, I don't get gassy, I don't get reflux, I don't get diarrhea... but I'm about to do something to myself, VOLUNTARILY, that will probably give me all of this and more, in combination with each other.


And yet, I read over and over that people suffer through this and don't regret a single thing because it got them to where they want to be.


So all of this went racing through my mind as I was in front of the fiber supplements (the last thing on my list for that section, the top shelf of the cart overflowing with all this stuff). No one was really around, so I sort of let myself go, for just a few seconds. I let out a deep breath and about 4 tears popped out of my eyes and I was done. I took another deep breath, wiped my tears, and picked out some fiber gummies.


Did I come this far to back out? No.

Do I want to stay where I'm at instead of having surgery? No.


So I'm ready to face the emotions. This pre-op fear? Well, I'm as prepared as I can be. There's actually a lot of comfort in that. Expect the best, fear the worst. That fear is making sure I'm darn prepared so I don't have to bother going out and getting what I need when I'm already in trouble! :)


Things are only going to get better... and better... :)

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Awww....it's gonna be ok! I understand everything you are describing. The emotional part of this whole thing was something I was completely unprepared for. It hit me like a ton of bricks. It's now been 5 weeks and I'm still adjusting but it is a whole lot better than the first 2 weeks. It gets so much easier when you can move along to some real food. Even some scrambled eggs made me feel a lot less sorry for myself.

Am I sorry i did it? Nope. This battle with food is something I never could beat for any length of time. Now I'm winning the battle all right and it comes with a price. You are ahead of the game because you recognize the price up front.

You can do it! You a are strong girl and a very pretty one at that. You can conquer the food demons one battle at a time. All you have to do is make it through your 2 weeks pre op diet and it will be downhill from there. You have friends right here to help you thru and I've read your posts since you joined here - you are a smart lady and you got this:)

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You are so young and so smart to have this done at your age. I am 66 and 4months out. I have lost 63 lbs that will never come back. I will be at goal when I loose the last 45 lbs coming soon. I have not been this low for 43 yrs. all the things I have missed in my life for all those years you will have it all.

It will be rough for a few weeks but time flies and before you know it you look in the mirror and see a thinner you. And if you have any medical issues they will improve also.

Best of luck to you and enjoy every moment of the journey.

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Girl, when them pounds start coming off and you start to feel sooo much better physically and mentally, it will have all been worth it. being nervous is perfectly normal. I said a prayer before they did the surgery and woke up dedicated to a new me.

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Hi! Hang in there! I feel like a kindred spirit to you, and it helps to hear what you're going through. I'm getting ready to start pre-op diet Wednesday. I'm starting it a week early because I have a "fatty liver" and am very worried it might interfere with my surgery. Spent 1/2 hour in Costco yesterday staring at all the vitamins, looking for ones that meet the requirements. The ONLY thing that was right was the B-12. None of the chewable calcium seemed to be the right formula, and I couldn't find any chewable multivitamins except gummies. They told us in the pre-op class not to buy gummies. Today I'm headed to Wal-Mart for meal replacement shakes, more vitamin shopping, and other odds and ends. It does feel weird to be buying all this "stuff" -- a lot of it pretty unappealing -- that one never imagined needing. But like you, I want to be prepared. I don't want to come home from the hospital and be thrashing around trying to get something and not know where to get it.

I'll look forward to hearing how it goes for you! Like you, I believe it's going to get lots better. A summer of good change is ahead for both of us.

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Hang in there! I would say that a lot of the items that you think you might need, you may never need. My surgery actually got moved the day before so it was 2 weeks sooner than I was planning on, and I think it ended up being beneficial bc I didn't have that anxiety that comes with anticipation. The RD met with my husband and me and asked what things I had at home for post-op, and my husband said bottled water! LOL! He went to the store as soon as we got home and we just got a few things at a time as I needed them. Everything worked out fine.

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I'm POSITIVE that I bought more than I'll actually need! In fact, I'm really HOPING I don't need half this stuff! However, I live alone. I'll be staying with my parents for a night or two after I'm discharged, but I definitely prefer to be in my own home so I'll be on my own within 3-4 days post op. I'll have to be prepared for anything and everything because I don't have anyone who lives with me that's available to run out and pick something up for me when I need it. I have my parents and plenty of friends to help, but I don't wanna be having diarrhea and trying to call someone to bring me imodium, ya know?

I just figured best to be safe than sorry! :)

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