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Worries about my surgery and life changes that need to be made.



I had my 3rd nutrition appointment yesterday and I am scared! I KNOW that the benefits outweigh the stuff I’m going to have to give up, I just need to get these thoughts on to paper…maybe that will help. I’m feeling guilty that I’m even having these thoughts because I want this surgery so badly. I worry that if I’m having these thoughts am I going to fail, or is this what everyone else thinks prior to surgery and this is normal???

Here is what worries me. One of the things she said was after surgery, don’t drink water (or any other beverage) 30 minutes before, don’t drink during and don’t drink an hour after a meal. When I asked why she said that water speeds up the digestion process and will cause your teeny stomach to digest even faster, which will make you hungry earlier. Makes sense, but I don’t like it! I ALWAYS drink water with my meals, always. I know that in the grand-scheme of things not drinking water at a meal isn’t a big deal…for a few meals, but for the rest of my life???

next is eating meat. She said that after surgery a lot of people can’t really digest meat any longer. She also said that meat isn’t really all that great for you (I’ve heard this before) so that it’s really not a big deal. Well I know health-wise it’s not a big deal, but after having such a love-affair with food for so long, I worry that I will be sad when I can’t order a nice, juicy steak. It’s easy to say something isn’t a ‘big deal’ when you’re not an addict. I’m a food addict. Everything when it comes to food is a ‘big deal’.

Portion sizes. She said that your portion size goes down to like the size of the palm of your hand. Holy cow. I don’t eat to be “full” I eat, and eat and eat because I like the flavor of food…to only be able to eat that small of a portion….will I regret having this surgery and will that in turn make me miserable?

I WANT to give up needing the comfort of food. I WANT to not overeat any time I sit down to a meal. I want to have something stronger than ME controlling what I put in to my mouth because I just can’t control what I eat at times. I’ve tried so hard and after a few weeks of great will power I succumb and let weeks of good choices go down the drain in a few meals. I know that on the outside looking in these are all really stupid reasons to be concerned. I know that when I read them tomorrow I will look at them and wonder what I was thinking. But right now, today, right in this moment I wonder if the fact that I’m having these thoughts means that I am not in the right place, mentally to have the surgery. Ugh, this sucks! I guess yesterday in talking about everything it just hit me hard that once I have this there’s no going back. Don’t get me wrong - - once I leave this fat, unhealthy body I don’t WANT to go back to where I am right now…it’s just so final and official.

I HATE FOOD AND THE CONTROL IT HAS OVER ME!!! I hate the fact that I am doing things to my body that I know if it continues will kill me, yet I am questioning letting it go...I hate this. I think for the first time in my life I am feeling what a drug-user feels! The 'knowing' that you need to give something up, yet the longing for the relationship and comfort that it gives. Not cool, not wanted and not welcome in my brain!


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You said they told you we can not digest meat. That is the majority of the food I eat. I never heard this. As far as steak, I enjoy it just not a lot at a time. You need to read more posts to see what people are going thru and the kinds of food they eat. Maybe your nutritionalist is a vegetarian and does not want others to enjoy meat.

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You said they told you we can not digest meat. That is the majority of the food I eat. I never heard this. As far as steak, I enjoy it just not a lot at a time. You need to read more posts to see what people are going thru and the kinds of food they eat. Maybe your nutritionalist is a vegetarian and does not want others to enjoy meat.

She might just be a vegetarian :) She didn't say I couldn't have it, but said that most people choose to not eat it after surgery because it is much harder to digest. I don't even have steak very often (3 kids ages 5 and under...steak is a luxury!) but every once in awhile when Hubbs and I go to dinner kid free (once a year!) there is nothing better than a good, juicy steak! The thought of not getting to ENJOY that every once in awhile made me a little sad....and then the thought that I was getting SAD over FOOD that I hadn't even had taken away from me made me MAD AT MYSELF!!! How foolish that I've let food control my thoughts so much :(

That is great to hear that you can still eat meats. Not that I couldn't live without them, I just want that choice :)

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I understand your feelings. This preop diet is a true test when you are living with young kids and a husband that doesn't cook. Your concerns sound very normal to me. I'm already trying to find something else that will comfort me outside of food.

I was told to stop drinking 15 mins prior and wait for 30 mins after. There is a fantastic book to read: The Experts Guide to WeightLoss Surgery by Garth Davis. I've read it about 3 times already.

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I hear and feel you girl! I have all those fears too, but I take heart in the fact that when I was on the bernstien diet (VLCD with virtually no carb and no fat) I lost all of my cravings for food to the point where I had to set an alarm to remind myself to eat. My desire was just not there... and the motivation of the moving scale was phenominal... what wasnt was the price tag of $600.00 a month. You can do this.. .we will all be victorious!!

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I understand your feelings. This preop diet is a true test when you are living with young kids and a husband that doesn't cook. Your concerns sound very normal to me. I'm already trying to find something else that will comfort me outside of food.

I was told to stop drinking 15 mins prior and wait for 30 mins after. There is a fantastic book to read: The Experts Guide to WeightLoss Surgery by Garth Davis. I've read it about 3 times already.

I am going to get that book, thank you so much!!! This forum is so amazing to me and such a wealth of knowledge and so supportive. Thank you!

When you say you're trying to find something outside of food to comfort you...I want to be a runner. I HATE running. But I've long lusted after the thought of transforming my huge, flabby body in to a runner's body...even though right now I hate to run..in fact I can't run. At all. Not even a few steps! But you just saying that you want to find something thta comforts you outside of food just gave me the crazy notion that maybe somehow, someway, I can make running my obsession. For this out-of-shape body, how cool would that be?!?!

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I hear and feel you girl! I have all those fears too, but I take heart in the fact that when I was on the bernstien diet (VLCD with virtually no carb and no fat) I lost all of my cravings for food to the point where I had to set an alarm to remind myself to eat. My desire was just not there... and the motivation of the moving scale was phenominal... what wasnt was the price tag of $600.00 a month. You can do this.. .we will all be victorious!!

What is VLCD? going to have to google the Bernstien diet :)

Okay, so you're saying that you lost most cravings?!?! That is incredible and really DOES give me hope! I can't even imagine having to REMIND myself to eat....ahhhh what a beautiful day that will be :)

But what in the world cost $600 a month???

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I am so happy to read your post today. Even though my surgery is less than 3 weeks away I am still thinking about how my life is going to change when it comes to eating. I too am a lover of food. I love the taste of it, I love to cook, I love to see people eating. But I have learned to love food in a healthier way. Even though I know that I will not be able to eat as much does seem to have me questioning myself. When I think about the shortness of breathe walking from the parking garage or the skinny jeans I once could wear are not too tight. I will do whatever it takes to live a healthier life. It is indeed a lifestyle change. You can do it! WE can do it! The best thing you ever could have done was write how you are feeling and know that you are not in this alone. I wish you much success in the wonderful journey that you are about to embark on. When times get rough write it down and wait for you friends to reply and help you through those tough times. :)

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You have the upper hand in knowing that these changes will take place. I knew that I'd have to change but didn't fully understand the extent of it. Now, at 1 month post op, I am understanding big time. And what I can tell you is this - yep, the change in your relationship with food is major and it really does suck in the beginning. Yes, it's real hard to change and it causes your emotions to run wild. It will take effort and an understanding of yourself and you have to dig real deep to accomplish this. And then you reach an acceptance of it. You still don't like it but you move forward because most of your stomach is gone and you really have no choice. And then one day you kind of look around yourself and realize that it's not so bad. You can still eat food and still love it, you just won't be eating much of it. It won't matter because you can't hold much anyway. Here's the real kicker - you have to do all this and make these changes while recovering from major surgery. Yippie! After all this you finally start feeling better, you are eating food that you like in reasonable quantities, and you actually start to smile again. So there you have it. A no BS version of what you might experience. And ya know what? It's ok and you can do it! Keep the faith lindeeboo:) You are making a decision for yourself that will be fore the rest of your life. A life that is healthy, happy, and makes you feel even more beautiful than you already are. You got this.

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...I want to be a runner. I HATE running. But I've long lusted after the thought of transforming my huge, flabby body in to a runner's body...even though right now I hate to run..in fact I can't run. At all. Not even a few steps! But you just saying that you want to find something thta comforts you outside of food just gave me the crazy notion that maybe somehow, someway, I can make running my obsession. For this out-of-shape body, how cool would that be?!?!

Even when I could, I hated running, but I did it. It has been one of the only ways I was able to keep my weight down. I actually got down to 130 in the 1980s by running 7 miles 3 times a week, but I couldn't keep it up. Now I don't run at all, and like you, can't even do a few steps. I live in a college town, and watching all these young folks jogging around the neighborhood makes me realize that I do want to be able to run again. I couldn't imagine I would ever want to do that again...until I couldn't do it.

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Even when I could, I hated running, but I did it. It has been one of the only ways I was able to keep my weight down. I actually got down to 130 in the 1980s by running 7 miles 3 times a week, but I couldn't keep it up. Now I don't run at all, and like you, can't even do a few steps. I live in a college town, and watching all these young folks jogging around the neighborhood makes me realize that I do want to be able to run again. I couldn't imagine I would ever want to do that again...until I couldn't do it.

WOW, 7 miles! I truly admire that. I know it can be done...I've seen people transform their lives to include running...I just want to be one of those people. It's funny that you said even when you could run you still hated it! I think that will be me. I don't see myself ever loving it...but I want to!!! That should count for something, don't ya think!!! I wonder if anyone 'hates' food the way I hate running?

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I completely relate to your fears. I was just talking to my counselor about this. I just found out that I was approved for surgery and I have been trying for 6 months to get here. I thought I would be extremely excited, but I'm scared - primarily that it's "real" now and I'm going to have to give up my security blanket (food) and cope with my feelings in other ways. So scary! I have never been able to diet successfully because of food addiction. I wish I could go to rehab for this addiction, but it doesn't exist! That's kind of how I view VSG - it's my rehab that will force me to restrict my food since I haven't been able to on my own. Thank you for putting yourself out here - just know that you are not alone in these feelings. Take care:)

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I completely relate to your fears. I was just talking to my counselor about this. I just found out that I was approved for surgery and I have been trying for 6 months to get here. I thought I would be extremely excited, but I'm scared - primarily that it's "real" now and I'm going to have to give up my security blanket (food) and cope with my feelings in other ways. So scary! I have never been able to diet successfully because of food addiction. I wish I could go to rehab for this addiction, but it doesn't exist! That's kind of how I view VSG - it's my rehab that will force me to restrict my food since I haven't been able to on my own. Thank you for putting yourself out here - just know that you are not alone in these feelings. Take care:)

What a great way for me to look at this entire journey - - that this surgery and the rest of my life will be my 'rehab'. SInce I am not powerful enough to do this LONGTERM on my own, the sleeve will be a real-life rehab...one that will enable me to not fall off the wagon so easily.

I am grateful to you for sharing this because this truly has been a light-bulb moment for me.

I want to congratulate you on getting approval! For me this entire time my focus has been on getting 'approved'...even though I'm not yet approved, after sitting through my last nutrition appointment it hit me that IF approved this thing is REAL and lifelong..and for a few minutes I let it scare the crap out of me.

Thank you for your reply, I appreciate you so much!

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It's good to be going through all this angst now and get it out of your system.. My favorites that will go away are beer and champagne - no carbonated drinks, not to mention the alcohol. But the feeling of being finally at your proper weight will be so great, you won't mind the changes in your diet. I hate running, too. I walk.

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It's good to be going through all this angst now and get it out of your system.. My favorites that will go away are beer and champagne - no carbonated drinks, not to mention the alcohol. But the feeling of being finally at your proper weight will be so great, you won't mind the changes in your diet. I hate running, too. I walk.

You're so right that all of this should be gotten out of my system before surgery - - and it's funny, I had completely forgotten that I had written this post. I think having this forum and getting my thoughts out there, my feelings validated, but then being given the tools and encouragement to know that I've got this had helped me SO much. I'm happy I put those thoughts down when I did because somehow I think I've gotten past some of them and for me that's a small victory :)

I absolutely agree that once I'm on my way to getting to a healthy weight hopefully the changes I've made will be easier!

Thank you for your comments and good luck in your journey :)

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