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Start of the journey

Rena's got this


This week I'll have my first consultation with my weight loss surgeon, Dr. Wes Turton. Like most of us, I've struggled with weight for most of my life. The older I get it seems the faster the weight comes on, probably due to the fact that I'm exercising less and less. When I hit menopause, the gains seemed to go into overdrive. I don't recognize myself.


I haven't always been morbidly obese. In fact, I was in the Army and most of the time I was within body fat limits. I was never able to meet the limits just by weight only, but always had to do the "Pinch Test" with calipers. In my minds eye, I still weigh around 150, and although I'm around 235 now at 5'4" tall, I still see myself as not that fat.


I feel guilty about the fact that I can't lose this weight on my own. I've tried Nutrasystem, Weight Watchers, Adkins, and even used medically supervised prescriptions such as pentermine and Ionamine. All the results were short lived, and I quickly put back on the weight plus more. Still, I feel that weight loss surgery must be for people much heavier than me. Of course, that doesn't make sense at all.


At this point, I look forward to getting this "tool" to help me with my weight loss. Even though I feel embarrassed at having to resort to this, I need to do it for my health. I'm pre-diabetic, have high cholesterol, low thyroid, and my knees are giving out. Diabetes runs heavily in my family and it is only a matter of time before I develop this devastating disease.


Wish me luck...I'm just getting started!


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Best of luck to you and all of us on this journey. I remember losing a lot of weight a decade ago and not seeing the skinny girl in the mirror. Now I don't see how fat I actually am unless I accidentally let my son snap a picture and glance at myself quickly while frantically hitting the delete button.

I'm tired of deleting myself! I too have not told anyone but my husband (because I need a ride) and 2 friends because I'm embarrassed like you. Is it because we are secretly afraid to fail even with the sleeve? Perhaps. Is it because we are afraid they will talk us out of it? Probably. Is it because we are hiding our unhappiness with our weight and, therefore, other parts of our life? Definitely!

I was told to do the 2 week preop diet of shakes or very little food like you. I can drink the shakes but I am soooo hungry! If I could live on 800-1000 calories, I wouldn't need the sleeve! I've read here that our tastes change after the surgery. Hope you are able to tolerate the shakes post-surgery!

Good luck.

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My very first reader! Thanks for your kind words. Last night I looked around for pictures to put on my profile, but like you, all my recent ones have been deleted if I even let them be taken.

I told my sister because she is my go to person for rides with anything like this. She is about 70 lbs lighter than me, same height. Surprisingly, she was very encouraging. She even told me she had thought before I mentioned it that I might benefit from something like this. Yesterday, she even went as far as to tell me she was somewhat jealous that I could do this. She has been putting on weight too.

I breached the subject with my boss, who is heavier than I am. She told me she could never do something like that, so I probably won't mention that I will be doing it if I can get the insurance to cover it. If all goes well, and I start losing the weight, I may let her know at that point.

I'm also worried about that 2 week preop diet. But we do what we have to. Its not much longer for you is it? I certainly wish I was at that point, this 6 month waiting period is aggravating!

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I had the same problem. I didn't feel that I was heavy enough to be eligible for the surgery. At 258 lbs at 5'9", I was able to hide my weight very well. I dress my fat to my advantage! LOL. I just had my last physician supervised visit, and I am just waiting to be scheduled for surgery. It has been a long road, and at times I've been frustrated and felt like it was never going to happen. It is a good time to think about what exactly it is you hope to achieve after your surgery.

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Just know that your story is very common and that's not a bad thing just know that you're not the only person who thinks, have thought or is thinking this way. You're story is not too far from mind I was never a big kid, teen or even young adult if I post all my pic from birth to high school graduation I was considered normal or even skinny my weight gain started later in life mid to late 20's and I too felt that I should be able to loose this weight with out this particular tool - I put it on myself I just need to try harder! But you know I tried WW, Nutrisystem and every fad diet out there with some success but very short lived.

This surgery was the best thing that happen to me and I knew I needed this particular tool to help me success and so far i'm 22 months post op and happy! Don't feel bad about having to have surgery if all of us were able to loose on our own i'm quite sure we would have and have tried!

What ever you decide be selfish and make a decision for you and what's best for you what ever that maybe!

Good luck in your decisions and journey!

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I just got back from my initial consult. I officially weighed in at 242 lbs and 40.9 BMI. This was higher than I thought, but then, I was wearing all my clothes! I am very comfortable with my choice of surgeon and my only concern at this point is the insurance. I went over the requirements with the nurse, and she is also concerned. She tells me that BCBS of Alabama are very hard and fast with their rules, almost like they are discouraging people who try to get approved for this. My problem is that I haven't been at a 40 BMI the past 3 years. I don't appear to have definite co-morbidities either. I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes, and given Metformin for a while, but am off that now. I have Gerd, and also went to the emergency room with one episode. I thought I was having a heart attack, but it was just a bad episode of heartburn! I was diagnosed with high cholesterol, but it is controlled through medication.

So anyway, I am going to go ahead with the rest of the requirements. I meet with my nutritionist on April 25th, and that starts my 6 month weight management requirement. I'll need to set up some lab work that the surgeon wants to have done, and he also wants me to undergo a sleep study. This might help with my co-morbidity requirement.

Oh.... I so hope that I'll get approved. I need this tool to help me get healthy!

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I just went to my first class regarding WLS and I am really leaning toward the Sleeve. I am so afraid to do this, but am more afraid of living like I am now for the rest of my life. I have been worried about my weight for as long as I can remember, and have been on every diet there is. I am a food addict too, which worries me because I'm wondering what I will do instead of eat when I am emotional. Can anyone out there who considered themselves a food addict who is post-op, tell me what you do now instead of eating when you are stressed?

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