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Thrush after antibiotics



Ok guys...


I am normally a VERY private person. But I just had a recent problem that really freaked me out and I know that if it happened to me, it will happen to someone else, so I am going to post about it in hopes that you guys will be helped by my experience.


During my surgery my doctor prescribed me a liquid antibiotic that I was supposed to take for 5 days. Because I was in Mexico the bottle was all in Spanish but I think it was called Cefixima. It was this overly sweet strawberry flavor. Yuck... Way too sweet...


Any way on day 6 when I was finished taking it, while I was brushing my teeth I noticed that my whole tongue had turned white and felt as if I had scalded it with hot coffee. It was really sore and really gross and like I said before, I am not used to sharing this kind of thing with anyone much less everyone...lol I scrubbed off as much as I could without really hurting myself and started to ask around and read up on it. Basically Thrush is a candida yeast infection that you can get when the good bacteria balance in your mouth is way off (because of the liquid antibiotics I had to take orally) It is not serious and is easily fixed. There are a number of ways you can get rid of it on your own in just a couple days.


(Also, remember I am not a doctor, if for some reason it dose not go away,

call your doctor!)


My most preferred way to treat it is with plain yogurt.

Have a spoon of PLAIN yogurt and press it to your tongue and hold it there for a while.

Do this several times a day for a couple days and the good bacteria cultures in the yogurt will help bring your mouth back into proper balance.


Another way I have heard is to dilute apple cider vinegar (2 or 3 tablespoons in a small glass of water) and try to wash out your mouth a few times a day...

Yuck... I did do this the fist night before I got any yogurt...


Another thing that I have been using in junction with these other two is acidophilus.

Acidophilus is a healthy bacteria you should put back into your body any time you have been on antibiotics. Because antibiotics kill all bacteria in your body you need to replace the good stuff or you have a chance of getting sick again. I take this after any round of antibiotics...


There are a number of other remedies that you can search up on line for yourself, but this is what I have found to work for me.


As of now I am almost 24 hours out from my self diagnosis and I can already see that it is clearing up. I will try to remember to post a comment letting you know how it worked out in the end and how long it took to go away... :)


Good luck everyone...


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My doctor (also mexican) prescribed the same thing except in pill form (I've been swallowing pills since the day after surgery)He said that since I'm prone to being "yeasty" I could start taking probiotic beads the day before I complete my antibiotic cycle, hopefully preventing any problems with yeast in the first place.

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yep, have this happen to me almost every time I have antibiotics. Thank goodness goes away fairly quickly. I usually get a yeast infection also. My Dr. always makes sure I have Diflucine whenever I take it. You may also like the liquid Acidopholis in the the natural section of you local grocery store usually in the cooler. The strawberry is good and a couple Tbl spoons a day makes a big difference.

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thank you all for sharing!! I was just sleeved on July 22nd.... I was freaking out because my tongue turned white and didn't want to go to the doctor, due to no insurance, unless I REALLY have to... I'm running out to get some probiotics!!

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