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Week 3

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So, I'm a little frustrated. First, I have only lost 2 pounds in 2 weeks. I tried not to be concerned about this since I can now do my belt up one hole smaller, but it's hard not to get frustrated. I have been very strict about making the right food choices and have been working out so much more than I used to, but this just isn't working how I thought it would. I guess I imagined myself losing 2-5 pounds each week. I'm scared that I put myself through all this only to have to live with the same results I was getting prior to having surgery. And, my legs have started swelling again. I know it's probably because I'm not getting enough water, but come on, how the hell am I supposed to get enough water when I can't take more than a sip at a time, can't drink 30 minutes before eating, and can't drink until 60 minutes after eating??? Sometimes it feels like outside of those times, I am spending every possible minute sipping water. I can't get any work (at my job) done if I'm spending more time trying to drink water than actually work. I hate that I can't gulp water down like I used to without pain. Second, I am almost at the end of the rope with one of my coworkers. Everyone I work with knows I had this surgery. This coworker, who is probably pushing 400 pounds, just is being so disrespectful to me. We used to go to lunch every day at work. I told him before I had the surgery that I wouldn't be able to continue that anymore. So, what does he do, he asks me if I want to go get something to eat. I just looked at him dumbfounded. I told him I can't do that anymore and that I bring my lunch now. Then, another day, he tells me that Krispy Kremes is selling mini donuts. Not that I'm a big donut fan or anything, but come on. I told him that's nice, but i don't really care and that I won't be eating that kind of stuff anymore. He told me I might want to after I see how cute it is. I told him that wouldn't change my mind. Honestly, how food looks doesn't make me want it, it's the taste that makes me want something. He then got the donut off his desk and held it up for me to see. I told him that still doesn't make me want it and that he shouldn't be eating it either considering how many calories and how much sugar and other bad stuff it has in it. I then walked away. Today, he stops by my desk and tells me that him and others are going to Uwajimaya (it has a food court) and asks me if I want him to pick me up anything. I said no and then couldn't control myself. I told him that he doesn't need to ask me if I want anything, that if I want something, I will go and get it myself. He looked shocked and hurt, but I didn't care. I'm so sick of him trying to pull me into his bad eating habits just to make himself feel better about his choices, which that is what I believe he is doing. By the way, did I mention that his brother is having gastric bypass surgery? My co-worker is a nice guy, but sometimes I just wish he would accept the lifestyle I have chosen and I hope I can be an influence on him to do something about his weight. Anyway, had to vent.

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Sorry you're having frustration with your co-worker, that sucks. I can tell you are trying so hard, and you don't need his temptations! But....I just wanted to throw this out there, from a third person perspective: I could be way off base but it sounds to me like this person just plain likes you. Could be romantic, but maybe not, maybe even just as a friend. Either way, the way he always was able to connect with you was through food. And now that's gone and he misses you..... but that's the only way he knows.

Like I said, I could be totally wrong, or I just always want to see the good in people. But perhaps his motives aren't to try to sabotage you (although it seems that way). And just remember, it's challenges like these that make us stronger!

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I had surgery on 2~19 and yesterday the scale was +6 pounds since surgery, it is messing with my mind big time. I know there is NO POSSIBLE WAY ive gained weight, I got a pair of pants on & zipped (I could even breathe) that I haven't been able to wear for months & several people have comment on me losing weight that didn't know I had surgery. So im at a loss as to what's going on with me, im assuming my body is still in shock and it will work itself out cus im definatley not eating anywhere near what I was b4 surgery. Hang in there & we will get thru it. Keep in touch with me and let me know how your doing I would really like to know :}


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Just tell your co worker. You made a lifestyle change and please don't try to sabotage you as you are going through a lot on your own right now and would appreciate his support

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It sounds like he misses you his friend. You had a relationship with him and lunch time food and he wants that back. Maybe suggest that he bring his lunch once in awhile and you both could eat together. Then explain what you are going thru now so he understands. Men are dense sometimes and have to be told outright.

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I still go out to eat with my co-workers - I just chose healthy choices. It's really for the company and not for the food.

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Chap, I agree, maybe this coworker is just trying to keep up the relationship that you once had. Relating to you the only way he knows how, with food. If you enjoy his company could could go out and have soup or something like that. Good luck to you!

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