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My sleep-study is scheduled!



In the whole grand-scheme of things this really isn't a big deal, but for me it is confirmation that I am on my way to changing my life.

My sleep study has been scheduled and will be tomorrow night!

I also will have my 2nd (of 4) nutrition appointment next week. When that one is done I'm halfway to meeting the insurance requirements! Woooohoooo!!!

if things keep going on track, I'm shooting for the end of June for my surgery (that's giving insurance 2-3 weeks for approval).


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It sounds like we are about on the same timeline! My 2nd of 4 appts is the 14th! & my sleep study is the 20th.

Good luck at your sleep study, I am so nervous for mine.

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So cool that we're on the same timeline, I've wanted someone to keep up with!

If you don't mind me asking, where do you live? I'm assuming you're insurance, who is your insurance through? I live in north East Texas and have insurance through Aetna.

I'm also super nervous about the sleep study. I have a hard time falling to sleep at night (lay in bed thinking of the gazillion things I didn't get done for the day) and I also sleep with my mouth open at night and sometimes drool - - the thought of someone possibly watching me is not cool!!!

Keep me posted on your stuff! I'm going to go add you as a friend right now :)

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I went for my sleep study and found that I do have sleep apnea. Tonight I go for my second sleep study to get fitted for the CPAP. I'm not gonna lie, I barely slept at all the first time. It was impossible for me to fall asleep with all of those wires and stuff on me, plus the thought that someone was watching me really creeped me out. You do eventually fall asleep and don't even realize it but I woke up constantly. Other people tell me they fell right to sleep and slept fine all night. I'm preparing not to get any sleep again tonight, LOL..It's not bad having the study though, just plan it so that you have nothing to do the next day so that you can catch up on your sleep..good luck with it..

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I alos have Aetna! I live in the Phoenix area. :)

I can't fall asleep without my husband and also have a breastfeeding baby who usually wakes up 3+ times a night so I am going to have to wake up & pump at those times & I am worried it's going to count against me but it's just not something I can help. :(

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I went for my sleep study and found that I do have sleep apnea. Tonight I go for my second sleep study to get fitted for the CPAP. I'm not gonna lie, I barely slept at all the first time. It was impossible for me to fall asleep with all of those wires and stuff on me, plus the thought that someone was watching me really creeped me out. You do eventually fall asleep and don't even realize it but I woke up constantly. Other people tell me they fell right to sleep and slept fine all night. I'm preparing not to get any sleep again tonight, LOL..It's not bad having the study though, just plan it so that you have nothing to do the next day so that you can catch up on your sleep..good luck with it..

I hadn't even thought about having to go back if they determine I have sleep apnea---ugh! Thank you for the advice and info...hadn't even thought about possibly being tired from not sleeping! Good luck on getting fitted, hope that goes nice and smooth!

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I alos have Aetna! I live in the Phoenix area. :)

I can't fall asleep without my husband and also have a breastfeeding baby who usually wakes up 3+ times a night so I am going to have to wake up & pump at those times & I am worried it's going to count against me but it's just not something I can help. :(

My insurance coverage is slightly screwey and honestly I won't know until I'm on the operating table if I'll be covered/approved. My primary insurance (through my employer) is blue cross blue shield. They do NOT for ANY reason, for ANY person cover ANY TYPE of bariatric surgery. Like it's stated on one of the first pages of the policy. The way my work has the policy set up there is no way to opt out of blue cross coverage, therefor it MUST be my primary (unless i quit working!).

My husband added me to Aetna so that I could have the surgery. But since Aetna is secondary, we have to submit everything to Blue cross, get a nasty letter back saying (again and again and again!) that these tests associated with bariatric surgery are not covered and THEN I have to submit the bill to aetna. So far Aetna has yet to cover anything since I keep getting letters back from them saying that because I have primary insurance my primary insurance will have to cover me....it's been a LOT of hours and tears making phone calls...and I'm not even halfway through yet!!!

SO if I finally get that beautiful letter stating aetna approves me it's going to be a beautiful day :)

Until then, I will continue fulfilling all of their requirements and fighting with them and blue cross !

Oh you poor thing to have to pump while away from your baby. Not that pumping is bad! Just the fact that you won't be able to get a good night's sleep :( Hopefully it will all work out and you will fall right back to sleep each time after pumping.

Good luck! I will let you know how the sleep study goes after this weekend.

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Crap, I NEVER saw this. I'm so sorry!

It went good! I passed, so one more thing crossed off my check list of things to do. the one thing I didn't like was i had a male technician....it ended up being just fine, it was just the whole metal thing of knowing that it was just me and another guy alone in a building and if he decided to rape and pilage me no one would ever hear my screams...I woke up the next morning fine and untouched and realized how silly I had been :)

I have my psych evaluation scheduled for next Friday and then will have one last nutrition appt before I've met my insurance requirements. Although getting excited I started to have a mild panic attack (not really panic attack, just emotions!) about how REAL this is all becoming. I'm so addicted to food and the comfort that it gives to me that I am having serious questions of whether or not I am strong enough to give it up. I HATE to be...my kids NEED me, but holy heck, I am so attached to it.

I also decided to not have the surgery in May/June which is when I thought I would have it (providing I get approval when I first submit!) and actually wait until August'ish. I have a family reunion I'd like to attend (haven't gone in 7 years) and it's a 12-hr drive, each way. That would have been about 3 weeks after surgery and thought that wasn't a great idea. Then my best friend is visiting from out of California the very next week, and then in July we're having a big birthday party for my little guy. I want to set myself up for success and not failure and don't want to allow myself to be in situations where I might be tempted to slip something I otherwise wouldn't be exposed to if that makes sense. So anyway, I'm thinking the end of July/middle of August would be great....and well before the Holiday's so I can be one sexy lady by then!!!

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