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5 Weeks Post-OP Still Teaching Myself to Eat Slowly



blogs/blog-0609990001360119311.jpgEven this far out from surgery, I still have problems eating slowly - especially if it is something that goes down easily like peanut butter. By accident I found a way to train myself to eat slower.


It's chicken! My stomach doesn't seem to like ground up chicken and I can feel the gurgles and gas building after a bite or two. So I figure, why not use that to my advantage? So I'll be eating more chicken. Knowing that I have to stop eating after a bite is going to force me to lay the spoon down between bites.


Anyone else have a food or foods that cause them to have stomach gurgles and gas?


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I have been eating mostly different kinds of fish with lots of lemons! It's my fav. But it taste so good I too find myself eating to fast, then it feels like it sits on top of the stomach for an hour. Will we retrain ourselves to eventually slow down? I hope it becomes habit soon. I am on my fourth week and can pretty much eatdo

everything i have tried so far. I just need to slow it down.

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me too i am in my 6th week... I dont know why i cant make myself slow down.... i am feeling overwhelmed like i need to finish everything i eat.... i am struggling with retraingin my brain and i think i am sabatoging my wl... i havent exercised hardly since going back to work but i dont see or feel like im loosing weight like i was when i was on the 3 weeks of liquid diet . Now i am on soft foods for 3 weeks I really need to listen to my body and stop eating when my stomack feels full. I really need to throw the rest away.... best of luck to all.... i am thinkning about drinking more protein shakes and cut back on eating maybe that will jumpstart my wl:) i have a protein drink for breakfast but i eat soft foods like tuna, deli meat cheese sticks crackers etc. for lunch and i eat chopped roasted chicken, baked fish, sometimes chili from wendys with spincah etc for dinner. Im not hungrysomtimes but force myself to eat for protein purposes and to give myself a breAK FROM drinks. I struggle to get my water in daily its so hard!!! trying not to vent but i have to let out some steam and get back in the game. I am glad im not alone!


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That is hard for me also to slow slow down I am per per post op I am now setting my IPhone timer so I can slow down it has help some.. and no drinking with meals is hard also.I have been getting lots of protein in. They have a HapIfork on line that helps you to slow down it vibrakes when eatting to fast might order one I also went to Baby spoons it helps some..


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I am also having issues with eating too fast, and I am 7 weeks out. I am a really impatient person to begin with, and sitting there chewing and chewing and chewing tiny bites doesn't appeal at all & who has time for that? I pay for it, though. It hurts and feels like it's going to come back up. Not fun, but yet I hate the thought of it taking 30 minutes to eat 3 ounces of whatever protein I have in front of me. Annoying. Yet I will keep trying to go slower. Have to.

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You all are not alone in my 7th week can eat almost anything so far but I eat to fast and it take awhile for me to feel comfortable. Any further alone have any ideas except putting for down between bites their is so little food it is hard to slow it down!

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I have noticed that I get bubbly and gurgly but have not put it and chicken together, I just thought it was normal. Now I wonder if it is because I also eat too fast. I can take an apple with peanut butter or can of tuna and turn it into a 15 or 20 minutemeal but if it is a hot meal it's not happening.

I did not think I was ever going to get out of the habit of drinking and eating at the same time, I made myself sick twice before I finally stopped trying. Yes I am stubborn!

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It is a constant battle that you will face from time to time throughout your journey, I'm 22 months post-op and still can catch myself eating too fast. What I try to do is go back to what I learned which is take a bite of food and then put the utensil down and chew, chew, chew it works if you are consciously eating and not eating looking at tv. LOL just a thought! I'm not perfect at it either so you're not alone - I also eat and do at 1 or 2 crossword so I don't just continue to put food in my mouth I concentrate on something else while I chew.

Foods that still make me gurgle are salsa (anything tomato based) beef and chicken - pork not so much which is odd and crabmeat I can eat like no ones business.

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Relieved to hear others having trouble with eating slowly. I am 8 weeks out and consistently find myself in pain after eating. I think that eating too quickly makes it difficult to sense when I am full, so I end up eating beyond that point. I have got to SLOW down!

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6 months out and sometimes still do this. I don't expect to be a pro at this. I mean 32 years of stuffing my face vs. 6 months of trying to eat slow. No comparison there! Lifestyle changes don't happen overnight just have to keep on truckin.

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I had chicken last night and of course I threwup. Protein for me has to be in a soup or a stew. Yes, I still eat too fast after having surgery in 2006. I watch my husband eat and that is what he does. He eats fast.

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