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It's good that you're actually feeling hungry!!! I"m 6wks out and it took me about 12 days before i really felt the tummy growl of hunger. Don't get depressed, find a protein shake/drink that makes you feel full. And caution yourself when you're feeling that hunger pang! It will/can cause you to eat too fast and hurt!!! Take it slow, and believe me, the protein filler WORKS! I"m a lifelong foodie and love the smell/idea of good food, and it helped me to feel full. You will be chewing your mushies before long...just hang in there (P.S. My jello was my chewie first food)

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I personally don't think the hungry feeling is a good thing. Technically you're not supposed to feel hunger (at least not like before surgery). I get more of an "empty" feeling than hunger pangs. It is more likely acid reflux. If you're not on at least something like pepcid, get on it now. Good luck!

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Thanks!!! Hmmm.. Idk alot of other write blogs about being hungry... You can only be on liquids for so long before your stomach starts wanting thicker goods... On Friday I see my doctor ill be sure to double check with him if its okay... Even though my dietitian told me already that this would happen.

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Everyone is different and may go through different experiences so no answer to this question is consider "law". I wasn't really hungry when I was post op I had trouble staying hydrated I couldn't get enough water, liquids drinking the protein shake I would take a couple of sips and that was it.

You are definitely not alone and that's what this site is for to ask questions, be encouraged and encourge others with your knowledge or experiences.

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