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6 days post op and i feel sooooo hungry! help



Hello everyone....

I had my surgery on Dec 28th. I am 6 days post op and literally feel like im starving. I am drinking water and getting down one protein shake but for the last 2 days hunger pains are out of this world!!! Is this normal i am scheduled to be on a liquid-diet for 3 weeks and i didnt expect to feel like im starving 6 days post op. Its hard to get down3 protein shakes because the taste isnt the greatest since i had the surgery but i am concerned for another reason. I came home sunday from the hospital not feeling the greatest but not the worst, Monday i woke up and felt like i needed to have a bm.... I took miralax to see if my bowels would move but nothing happened all day on Monday. I woke up Tuesday and the constipation was worst and i literally felt like dying considering i hadnt had a bm since last Thursday Dec 27th. I was on the toilet off and on all day straining moaning sweating and trying to push it out but nothing would come out but a small turd. I felt like i was on fire(bottom) and it hurt soooooooooooo bad. I finally called the physicians office and they suggested milk of magnesia or dulcolax. I took milk of magnesia and like anything it takes time to work thru the system and i was soooo desperate and wanted the pain in my butt to stop and to get my bowels to move because it was literally sitting on tip of my exithole(sorry for being so graphic) but i just couldnt poop. I pushed and strained all day thinking i could get it to come out one of my small incisisons started bleeding and my biggest my incision is now bruised and more painful since this fiasco with constipation. Well needless to say i thought i would help speed upthe milk of magnesium and took a stool softner(gel cap) and my lower stomach hasnt been the same. The last 2 days my lower stomach has been bubbly, churning, gassy, and i feel like i have diarhea at times but when i go to the toilet its alot of gas but it feels like im about to poop on myself. I finally had my first bmi on Wednesday at about 4am . I was scared as hell to push but i had to a little and it finally oozed out(sorry i know tmi) but i felt better and was able to finally walk straight because on Monday and Tuesday i was walking hunched over like a lil old lady due to pain and just trying to find comfort from the constipation. I am worried if i have done damage to my pouch and my biggest incision. If anyone else has had constipation problems please share and any suggestions on dealing with my hunger pains which i didnt think i would have 6 days post-op i would greatly appreciate it. Thanks for listening!!! I am not having regrets just want my sleeve to work to the max and to be successful!!! Have a blessed Thursday!!! :)


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Did your doctor prescribe Prilosec (or generic) for after surgery? There are several posts on this forum describing how stomach acid can mimic hunger pains. My surgeon put me on Prilosec for a month after surgery.

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Im six days p[ost op also.. had my sleeve and gallbladder on the 28th too. i was going to ask about the prilosec also.that or get yourself some gasX strips... they help alot. As for the hunger... i dont have a clue... my problem is just the opisit... im not hungry at all... i feal like im forcing food in and getting no where close to being able to take in as much as i need to. what sort of postop diet plan did they put you on?

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i am on a liquid diet only for the first 21 day then i move to soft foods on day 22... i just wasnt expecting my stomach to growl, churn, rumble and sound like a grizzly bear all day.... Thank goodness im home recovering and i surely dont want to sound like a hungry grizzly bear at work when its all quiet and then my stomach starts rumbling and tumbling like i have gas or im hungry(lol) I havent told any of my coworkers i had the surgery..... its going to be so embarrassing so i will have to figure out how to keep it quiet when it starts!!! Geez Louise. I was prescribed pepcid 20 mg and i take it twice a day also i have used the gas strips but i dont take them daily. Tomorrow makes 1 week post op. Maybe when i move to soft foods the grumbling will settle down :)

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im doing ten days of liquid diet.. it sucks. I called the office today and was told i could eat soups... clear or creamed of course, but still no cottage cheese or anything else. I started protien whey today also... im struggling to get any protien in every day.

and yes i understand about the tummy rumblings... mike has been..but its not hunger... the strips have help. i look at it as my tummy yelling at me for what i did to it:)

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I am four days out. Was on clear liquids for three days and got to have full liquids today. They allow me to have yogart, soups, hot cereal. It is more filling than clears but I am finding my stomach growling a bit more. I am having issues with any chocolate protein drinks post op and I liked them pre op. I am doing the best with isopure clear liquid protein drink. I am on prilosec twice a day for the next sixty days. Lots of gurgling and burping though.

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