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Countdown to Onederland - 10 lbs to go

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209 this morning! I'm 4 weeks post op, and Im on my way to 199!!!!! Although I've been at 199 so many times before, I'm looking forward to being there again, and even more to breaking it! I can't wait to get under the 190's - this is something I'm never able to do.


I get down to the 190's, then gain back up to over 200, than back down to the 190's, back up to 200's.


This time, I know I will get there, so it is so exciting. What an incredible journey I'm on!


So here goes my countdown to 199! 10 lbs to go! I'm hoping to be there by March 17th - a little over a month away. I'm going to a big family wedding and will see lot of my family who haven't seen me in awhile, so thats my goal!


I start my solids today - i'm nervous, but anxious to get to eating the right way for the rest of my life.


My plan for today is:



malt o meal, splenda, ff milk



a few black beans

4 green grapes

1/2 cup of cottage cheese

1 or 2 slices of a boiled egg




green beans

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209 this morning! I'm 4 weeks post op, and Im on my way to 199!!!!! Although I've been at 199 so many times before, I'm looking forward to being there again, and even more to breaking it! I can't wait to get under the 190's - this is something I'm never able to do.

I get down to the 190's, then gain back up to over 200, than back down to the 190's, back up to 200's.

This time, I know I will get there, so it is so exciting. What an incredible journey I'm on!

So here goes my countdown to 199! 10 lbs to go! I'm hoping to be there by March 17th - a little over a month away. I'm going to a big family wedding and will see lot of my family who haven't seen me in awhile, so thats my goal!

I start my solids today - i'm nervous, but anxious to get to eating the right way for the rest of my life.

My plan for today is:


malt o meal, splenda, ff milk


a few black beans

4 green grapes

1/2 cup of cottage cheese

1 or 2 slices of a boiled egg



green beans

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