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will I ever be able to guzzle or drink water normally post gastric sleeve



Hello everyone. Im fairly new to all of this so please forgive me if these questions have already been addressed. I was sleeved on12/10/12 and all is well down 41 pounds and feeling good! I would like to know if anyone else is experiencing discomfort and bloating after drinking a little too fast. I totally buy into the not eating and drinking at the same time and proper diet and chewing slowly but i really miss being able to guzzle a bottle of water especially now after surgery and in the coming spring and summer months! My doctor told me today that Im still healing plus I had a hiatal hernia removed so it will take longer to fully recover. For those who have more experience than I in regard to this please I would really appreciate your advice and or insight. Thank you.


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Not sure if you realize this, but you posted this to your personal blog, not as a question to the forum, so you won't get the same exposure. But, to answer your question, you need some perspective.

Pre-sleeve, your stomach could hold, let's say 80 oz fully distended. You just had most of your stomach removed and it now has a capacity of around 6 oz and can't distend. So, before, you would take an 8 oz bottle and chug it down, no problem. 8 oz into an 80 oz container ... you used 10% of the space. Now, fast forward to post-sleeve. 8 oz into a 6 oz container ... hmmm ... it's not going to be the same result.

I'm over 18 months out and no, I cannot guzzle water the way I used to. I can't eat food the way I used to, either. But that is the way I wanted it and needed it. Once you get used to it, it is no big deal. I actually appreciate the fact I can't inhale food and/or drink now. That is part of what got me into trouble.

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I was sleeved in Sept. At first I was just sipping and even that felt strange. I can now take a mouthful of water and swallow without pain but I don't try to guzzle anything. Just take it slow, it gets better but not back to the same as it used to be. Be ready to drink the water over time - while you are working out this summer - not in one gulp afterwards. Be sure to keep drinking, it's very important.

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I'm pretty sure guzzling is never going to happen again. I was sleeved July 2nd and can now just take a good drink. I have a dry mouth most of the time so getting 64 oz water a day is not a problem, just one drink at a time, not gulp.

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For the longest time I couldn't really manage plain water - adding some Crystal Light or Mio or something changes the viscosity just enough that it goes down easier for some reason. Still, guzzling was definitely out, which was a definite challenge during an intense workout! But I got used to it, and you will too! Now, I can drink water much faster, and plain water goes down pretty well, but if I take too big a gulp it's still uncomfortable.

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My experience is that, while I can't drink as much as I used to at one time, it's just as satisfying. I can drink several ounces at once and it seems to quench my thirst just fine. I'm four months out.

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you will be able to drink a lot more as time goes by. I think I can drink normally now and have been able to for quite a while. I take boxing classes and get really thirsty and I can take huge drinks to keep me going.

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