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4 days post-op: Down 16 Pounds... not fat?

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I had surgery early Monday morning. I stepped on the scale, 5 days later on Friday, also early in the morning. I went from 271 to 255.5 pounds in 5 days. That's almost 16 pounds... in 5 days. Seems like a lot, almost abnormally so.

My grandmother seems very excited for me, however, I keep telling her it's probably just my liver shrinking and all the waste leaving my body. Is it bad that I'm being pessimistic?


I've had no issues with constipation. Still gassy, but it's making it's way out pretty fast down below and I have no shoulder, side, or chest pains. Walking a few hours after surgery and walking blocks around the surgery ward every 2 hours really did help me, I think. A lot of the nurses were amazed. I didn't see many other bariatric patients walking around until late at night I saw one man walking a little bit from his room until he turned around and went back.


I remember the next day after surgery when I did the x-ray test and had to drink that nasty liquid, I ran into a young woman named Monica waiting for it, too. She looked at me and asked "What did you get?" I mentally laughed and then said the vertical sleeve, and she said she had the same. I asked her what he goal weight was and she said 140. I'm going for 150-155. We talked about gas pain, but I told her I was up and walking a few hours after surgery. I know I mentioned the VST forum and asked if she was on it, and she asked me my name, but I thought she meant my username.... obviously the drugs got to me and I gave her my username (Castiel is a name of a character from a TV show) and yeah.... so she didn't know my name until a nurse called it. probably thought I was crazy haha. I didn't see her walking around the floor at all during my stay nor could I find her room til the very very end right before she was leaving :[ I wanted to wish her good luck!


Right now, I'm seriously hungry. I'm only on clear liquids, no protein. I can't stand the taste of isopure. It's revolting! I thought it was okay before surgery, but that weird filmy after taste and the smell? no thanks. I know it's bad, but I had a half of a teaspoon of peanut butter over the course of a half hour with water swished in my mouth. I was prepared to get sick, but so far I'm okay. I feel drained of energy, and I just need some good tasting protein shakes (not until monday). These next two weeks of liquids and full liquids can't go fast enough! I'm ready for some mashed potatoes and pureed beans... maybe even with a little sour cream, and a glass of milk!


I think the hardest part is getting through this month until I can finally get to soft foods. Head hunger is killing me and I can't wait to have smaller portions of healthy good tasting stuff! I'm also paranoid I have leak already, but I guess I'll find out when I have a fever and more intense pains. I seem to be straining my stitches a lot :[

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HI! Congrats! I had my sleeve done on Tuesay and I am down to 231 from 238 so not as much as you but not bad. My highest weight was 257 and my sugery weight was 238 thanks to the liquid diet. I am so tired of liquids and like you can't wait for mashed food. Sounds silly but it is true. I was also walking soon after surgery and felt like a loner. Not many people walked a lot. Maybe that is why they stayed an extra day in the hospital! I am fighting headaches maybe not drinking enough but I am trying to get in four ounces an hour. Almost there. Hope all goes well for you!

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I agree about the head hunger. I even dreamed the other night about cheesy tater tots! Just keep fighting the fight!

Oh man! I haven't dreamt about food yet, but I know one night it's gonna happen. Thank you!

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HI! Congrats! I had my sleeve done on Tuesay and I am down to 231 from 238 so not as much as you but not bad. My highest weight was 257 and my sugery weight was 238 thanks to the liquid diet. I am so tired of liquids and like you can't wait for mashed food. Sounds silly but it is true. I was also walking soon after surgery and felt like a loner. Not many people walked a lot. Maybe that is why they stayed an extra day in the hospital! I am fighting headaches maybe not drinking enough but I am trying to get in four ounces an hour. Almost there. Hope all goes well for you!

Congratulations on your sleeve! How are you feeling today?

I also had to stay an extra night in the hospital due to extreme nausea and not keeping the pain meds down, but I WALKED A LOT!

I couldn't imagine doing the liquid diet before surgery; my surgeon only required one day of clear liquids. But you're already down so much! I'm just catching up to you lol. I like to think my liver is shrinking now instead of before surgery.

I was also dealing with headaches for a few days, but today I didn't have any. I'm just totally exhausted and felt so weak I wanted to cry.

Keep sipping! And I wish you the best of luck as well :]

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I also was sleeved Tuesday and had to stay an extra night as I kept vomiting everything I drank. My doctor said it could be because my hiatal hernia was much larger than he thought it was.

I also kept waking up with bad headaches in the hospital as well. But once I got home Thurs. night those two issues went away, thank goodness! :-)

I started at 235 lbs. on Tuesday and am down to 228. I didn't have to do a pre liquid diet so I'm not yet sick of the protein drinks.

Congratulations to you all!

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