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Pre-Op Diet and Worries About Being Thinner



Well, it's official. My surgery is on the 27th.


The good news is that my pre-op diet is only for 5 days and it won't be too much of an alteration of my current eating habits. From my research, I already had a good idea of what the pre-op diet was going to be like, just didn't know how long I would be expected to be on it. I had prepared myself mentally for a 2 week liquid diet. So it was really a surprise to hear that it is only 5 days and I can drink as much of the high protein/low carb shakes as I want and eat soups (like chicken noodle) as long as they don't contain high carb vegies like potatoes.


I've already figured out a combination of dutch chocolate EAS carb control shakes with 1 scoop of Total Soy (chocolate) that tastes great and has a combined 30 grams of protein and 11 grams of carbs per 20 oz shake. I highly recommend getting a shaker bottle with the little ball spring inside. It really breaks up the Total Soy powder making a smooth creamy shake. I bought a 2 pack at Sam's club for $12, and I saw them at Wal-Mart for $7 each. But with the 2 pack I can keep one at work and one at home.


I figure I'm having the same thoughts and feelings as others in the pre-op stage. So I wanted to share a moment I had last week that makes me laugh at myself now. I had a small panic attack until I realized how stupid it was. I actually got worried that post op, I wouldn't be able to eat as much I as I could in the past. Stupid, right?


But I guess it plays on my basic fear of change. How am I going to handle being thinner and how people will react and treat me at work and socially. As it is, I have 40 years of knowing how people treat the fat me. Now, I have to worry about how people will treat me as a thin person.


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Do not feel bad, that has been my only panic attack about how will I ever eat as much again. Dumb huh!! I have this worry about oh no part of my stomach will be gone? Then I think well oh well I didn't need my gallbladder or my tonsils either and do I miss them? Then I say ok this is surgery and there usually is a recovery period with surgery so I will be just fine.

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I can TOTALLY relate! I WANT this surgery, yet one of my fears is that I will become depressed when I can't eat as MUCH of my favorite things as I used to...how silly! It's not that I can't eat my favorite things, it's that I can't eat AS MUCH...and I wonder if that will make me depressed! SO DUMB that I let food control me the way that it does.

I haven't had those thoughts lately....this past week my thoughts have been how NICE it will be to have some new (smaller outfits)...ummm yeah. I don't think I will even have surgery until August, yet I'm already NOT doing any shopping because I want smaller outfits...I can't wait for the surgery so my skinny body can catch up with my skinny mind :)

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But I guess it plays on my basic fear of change. How am I going to handle being thinner and how people will react and treat me at work and socially. As it is, I have 40 years of knowing how people treat the fat me. Now, I have to worry about how people will treat me as a thin person.

Yep... the big isasue is our head(s). Know and work on this and all will be OK, I believe (and I am as crazy as you are).

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I'm so thankful for this site. It proves i am not alone in my thinking. Morning and missing FOOD was my set back too. From what i've been reading it does happen. But i guess its like anything else you have to work at it and retrain your way of thinking. I'd rather eat a handfull of food a day then take 6 pills a day. I only shared my choice for this surgery with two people in my office. I already told them if anyone finds out i'm faulting both of them. Which they know i'm crazy so i'm not worried with them telling. I have no desire to share or explain this with only else. They will just have to witness the transformation. And being the Diva I am they betta watch out.....(saying that made me feel better too lol) Good topic.

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