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Day 21 Post Op - So this is food?

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So its been exactly 3 weeks since my surgery and I'm doing great. I've lost about 20 lbs in 21 days and Dr. says I'm right on track. I feel as normal as I did before surgery now, I have my full energy, and I'm able to eat mushy foods and allowed beverages with no nausea (I've never had any nausea anyay). I pulled a pair of Levi's out of the closet, ones that I could fit into 2 years ago, and they fit again. In fact, they're a little baggy. It's a great feeling and I can definately see a big change in the size of my face and feet.


I have to say that I've followed my Dr's diet to the T: only soup with no chunks and milk-like consistency, water, and some diet drinks (non-carbonated) for the first 2 weeks after surgery. By the time day 15 came around I would have killed for a solid piece of food.

Biggest issues now are continuing to get 60oz of water in each day, and practicing eating small bites and chewing completely. As for the water, its not just the Dr telling me to drink it, but I've known for a long time that drinking to stay hydrated is good for anyone. The difference with the sleeve is that I have to sip water throughout the day. With the smaller stomach, I can't just wait til evening to start then try guzzling a quart of water. Plus, I'm a kidney stone factory and they say staying hydrated is one of the best thing you can do for preventing stones.


Saturday was my first experience with overeating with the sleeve. I'm finding that I must eat every 2-3 hours. If not, I get too hungry. I was at Jason's Deli and ordered the Tomato Basil soup and a small amout of hummus from the salad bar. But as I sat down to eat, I was concentrating so much on relieving my hunger that I forgot about eating slowly and chewing completely. Mistake! I began sweating, got a nauseous,dizzy feeling and a heartburn like sensation but without the burning. The feeling left in 5-10 minutes, and I thought I'd learned my lesson. Well, not so easy. This is one that I'll have to work on.


more soon...


P.S. Thank God insurance is covering most of this. Bill from hospital arrived today... $46,000 !!

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Congrats joe! I'm at day 15, yeah I get puréed food today.looking forward to day 21 & soft food but also a little nervous to try something solid after liquids for so long.

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Hi there! I am 21 days today post-op as well! Woohoo for both of us! I have lost 23 lbs eating high-protein, low carb. I intro'd solids late last week and doing well...definately hear you on the sweating and nausea thing though if you eat too fast :S

I eat typically: low fat cottage cheese for break 1/2 c

soft egg whites for snack

sugar free applesauce -1/4 c

soup (broth based) for lunch..i usually can tolerate about a half cup

ground chicken meat ball or ground meat (i had meatloaf last night...woohoo...although, had about 4 bites lol)

mashed veg like squash puree, peas, etc...these are TOUGH so as much as I can handle. I want to start noshing on spinach pretty bad for the iron, going to try it today and try to combat this tiredness :(

shrimp-oh man, lovvvve shrimp and no issues with digestion...I find anything seasoned, overly salty, etc is what gets me.

Al lthe best!!!

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Congrats Joe!! I am only 5 days post op and glad to hear things get easier! It isnt as tough day by day not getting solids but the water intake is my biggest struggle!! Like you said I cant chug a bottle of water so sipping with the added factor that I still need to get those 64 oz in seems like thats all Im doing ...keep up the good work I cant wait to see your continued sucess!

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Way to go Joe!! Thanks for sharing...I love hearing everyone's journey. I'm totally a newbie on here and I hope to have surgery soon. I'm thankful for my insurance too..my workplace covers 100% and I'm so thrilled to start this journey as well. My prayers and thoughts are with you. Keep strong!! You're going to soar like an eagle.

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